Recruitment add for Japanese Police.
Last week training at Kidotai Tim & I were both feeling cool about having both had the better of the muscle man Judo cop in randori, who we had been informed is a Pro K1/MMA fighter. Upon learning from Sensei Rick that he has only been doing Judo for 2 weeks'ish our ego's were fairly deflated.
I have been feeling pretty good lately about being the only un-injured Judoka in the house, untill this morning when I woke up with a really sore shoulder, I'm not sure how I did it as it was fine when I went to sleep lastnight.
It's a bit of a pain, this morning at training I couldn't do much with my shoulder and felt really wretched for not being able to get fully into the training, but because it's only Monday none of the Kidotai (Riot Police Squad) were really going too hard anyway. Hopefully it clears up overnight with a good sleep flat on my back. Nobody has anything serious though, just a few niggles in our backs & shoulders.
Coming into the Riot Police Compound every morning for training is a pretty cool experience, as its run like a military unit we get greeted at the gates by a uniformed officer who holds us up and makes a call through to command who say they are expecting the Kiwi Judoka - now that most of the guards know us they just wave us through with a quick salut.
For the last 5 days it's been raining non stop, it's not the heaviest rain but after a few days of it the river is going insane outside.

River going hardout.

Smart homeless man builds his house higher up.

This homeless guy aint so smart "Oh no my house!!"

Stairs out of order, please use awesome waterslide - Kyoto City Council.
On Friday night we hosted the goodbye party for Rick & Yumico, also in attendance was Aoki San & his lovelly wife whos name escapes me at this moment. After spending 3 hours cleaning up, setting up & shopping for the snacks and drinks for the party our guests all arrived and we all got chatting about how we had found Japan so far. The general consensus was that the people are nice, the food is cheap if not allways filling, the training is awesome but the language is pretty tough. After a while an awkward silence emerged, because it would be rude for us to speak to each other non stop in fluent english, but we had run out of observations about japan/interesting facts about NZ/bad jokes (after the Geisha joke going astray I'm pretty carefull with humour)to tell our Japanese guests who have fairly limited English.
Suddenly we get sideswiped with a request for the Haka which after a small ammount of heckling we agree to do, so with no further adue we get up and perform like the fullblooded white boys we are. Aoki & his Wife found it pretty entertaining so we taught Aoki San the Haka and got him to perform it for Ricks camera, so it will inevitably end up on Judokong.com in the near future. After being warmed up by the Haka & a fair ammount of Lee's 42 Below Fejoa Voda, Aoki San just didnt want to stop singing so he got up and sang another. A few song later the wives hustled the men home so we could start cleaning up and get to bed. The cleaning didnt eventuate for a day or 2 when the smell in our bedroom became a bit too much.
Tomorow will hopefully be feeling fitter in my shoulder and be back to fullthrottle at training, especially as we are starting at Ritsumeikan on Wednesday I want to be 100%. Fingers crossed.
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