Today I decided my current mop of a haircut was too sissy and definatly not tough enough for me. So, thinking along these lines I rode lee's pink bike to the local barber shop and requested the shortest cut possible. This was a slow process as I had to say no to each razor size from largest to smallest in that order until the correct one was produced. The haircut was cheap as, probably for good reason as the useless barber missed a spot that I had to correct upon checking it in the mirror back at Shimei Manor.
Training twice a day again today, currently in between sessions. Body is still holding up well even though I have to run to training and back due to the missing bike key dilemna, which will be resolved when sensei Rick leaves for NZ - then I can use his bikes. Yesterday training at Kyodai I decided I wanted to test their style of Judo which has not followed Olympic rule changes which have geared Judo towards 70 percent fighting standing up. These guys love to just drop to the ground on their buts and try and fight you there everytime(Very similar to BJJ/Brazilian Jits). Personally I love Newazza (ground fighting) with it being one of my strengths but enough was enough I wanted to throw people around. I saw their most notorious butt flopper battling Coosez the french player, doing his usual drag downs and dropping to the ground.
I waited right next to their fight for the timer to hit zero so I could request a randori with butt flopper #1 before anybody else. As soon as we both get a grip on each other he drops to the ground on his bum, and begins attempting to tangle me up. Ha, I came prepared with a stragety fool. Before the thud from his butt smacking the matt has finished resounding around the Dojo I lift him back to his feet using a strong grip and a power squat lift. He still dosnt get the idea after this and immediatly drops back onto his backside, so, I repeat this again...and again...and again. After this has happend about 4 or 5 times he seems to get the picture and stays standing, due to his lack of Tachiwaza practice( standing fighting ) his game is terrible and I throw him flat on his back pretty quickly his a simple foot sweep. He then decides hes had enough of this so goes back to his original strategem of dropping to his backside. Grrr. Stand up!! This time I enact some advice Lee gave me regarding these sort of situations and I let him drop, keep a strong grip and use him to mop the matts, dragging him back and forth, side to side around the Dojo. Tim & Coosez both watching found this really funny. Unfortunately before the I have time to clean the whole Dojo the timer hits zero and times up. No hard feelings between me and butt flopper #1, infact I think he rather enjoyed the new challenge. Perhaps by coincidence the technical training that day after Randori (Sparring) consisted of how to deal with people who stay standing when your on the ground & how to get them on the ground.
Training this morning with the Riot Police went better than last time, we still got roughed up. I had a couple of good fights with the muscle-man riot cop I saw on my first visit and he got me a couple of times but I also got him with 2 Seoi-Nage ( shoulder throw) and a Tai-Otoshi (Leg Drop, see picture in one of the earlier articles) One of the Senseis (Judo teachers) gave me a decent thrashing, he was having fun playing with me even pretending to karate chop my neck after throwing me on my back. One day I'll throw him and do the same...but not anytime soon.
Our competition in Osaka has been postponed for some reason or another until the 15th of next Month, little disapointed but no drama's as it's more time to prepare. If I win X amount of fights in a row I get my Blackbelt so heres hoping. Tomorow we need to spruce the place up & do a shop for Sensei Ricks going away party. Other than that no new news has emerged from the New Zealand/Shimei Manor, though there are rumours of more Kiwi's coming over to live & train with us or even possibly Brits.
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