Thursday, July 29, 2010


I have recovered enough energy to drag myself to my laptop finally and provide all the sadists out there with another update.

My knee injury is pretty much right now, have to be a big carefull still with leg drop throws but its ok as lately I have been playing lefty alot anyway. I alternate alot trying to build strong left and right so no complaints.

Training over the last week has been good but not as busy as usual as we are still in holiday season. back to fullthrottle 2-3 trianings a day as of yesterday ..and to be honest it was really hard getting back into it. In the morning at Kidotai training there was a team fight event again between our guys from Kyoto and another prefecture. They are doing it to decide on Kansai regions best team to send to the All Japan Police Games, so far it looks like it will be a Kyoto dominated team - the team fight is run as a best of 3. Our guys took the first round very lightly - winning only by small scores and penalty's as they just sussed their opposition out, seeing what they have and what their style is.

Round 2: Ippon, Ippon, Ippon etc etc. We won all but 1 of the matchs and nearly all of them by fullscore Ippon throws ( equivilant of boxings knockouts) so the Kyoto guys obviously did a good job of sussing the opposition out.

After than there was a 2 hour break and then into Tachiwaza Randori (Standing Sparring) After a team fight the other team stays 2-3 days to train like a training camp style so theres allways new faces to train with and new styles to work with. I felt really sluggish ... I think I ate too much within the hour before training. Ughhh. I remember an occasion in which Pudgy from Ak/Uni club did this and was vomiting in the toilet after being bombed on his back... at least I did not get to that point..

Straight home from training and 2 hours to rest for training at Enshin Dojo, that went well and I didnt feel sluggish at all there, got some good techniques in and was happy with my posture. They had one hardcore gun there who usually just chills on the side who decided to partake that day..and bring my ego down to size. Cool dude though.

After training we all went along to Yakitori with some of the Judo guys, which seems to be becoming a bi weekly sorta thing. Sensei Rick came along aswell plus a small french contingent who spent the evening sparring wits with Lee calder and coming out worse or wear.

I have to leave for Judo in 20 minutes so time to get my gear together.


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