Friday, April 23, 2010

Prep Prep Prep

I'm still at home, here in New Zealand. It's a bit of a strange feeling knowing that in 5 days I'm out of here.

I'm going to be heading over on Thursday, the first of 3 kiwis all heading over to get beaten up as much as possible and hopefully get a bit better at Judo as it happens. I arrive 13 days before the other guys so I'm in the fortunate position of testing the water so to speak. I get to make all the mistakes, commit all the main cultural crimes imaginable and then graciously educate them as to these points so they don't make them.
Hah, yeah right.

We are all pretty lucky in that we have received sponsorship from the Auckland University Judo Club, Fosters and Asahi Beer, getting a monthly cash injection is what is going to make this possible. So I'll take this opp to say thankyou to everyone who has helped - Rick, Rob, David, Mum & Chris, Trish, Nana & Grandad, Dad + the Beer companies. I know that was a bit of a list but it had to be done.

While we are over here on Working Holiday Visa's finding a job to support our lavish lifestyles of Judo, a bowl of rice a day and a monthly beer is not a sure thing, let alone finding a partime one that allows you enough flexibility to spend half your day being physically educated by modern day Samurai.

Will be meeting with Rick my sensei in Kyoto around the 3rd of May(he is the organiser & manager of this scholarship) so after backpacking a for a week or so will shift into something more long term & cheap.

My mates are going to be crying everyday without me as I'm probably the best wingman in Auckland, if not the North Island. Seriously. Perhaps I will include a "how to" segment in this blog updated for the benifit of the male species. One does what one can. Section 1 will be "Jumping the grenade" I will break down in detail as to when it is and isn't acceptable to request this act from a mate.

Will have some more interesting bits and pieces to write about come Thursday when I arrive and inevitably break every taboo on my way to the backpackers, will chill until then. :)


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