It's Happened.
I'm coming home. I havn't really been able to earn enough to survive working part-time here, and can't get anymore hours. Even if I was to get more hours it would seriously cut into my Judo time so it's not going to work!
I'v organised my ticket for the 11th Of December so I can get a last surge of hardcore training in and do my last 3 competitions this month so it all works out pretty well. My plan is basicly to get home work & traing my butt off plus Uni and hopefully have enough ready by semester to come back here for round 2 stint.
My last Shiaii went pretty well, it was the Osaka Open Weight & Age and I managed to get 3rd in my Division (Of 50 players) so that was pretty good. The competitor's were of varying quality, some were rather easy and some were gigantic or brilliant players so it was a real luck of the draw situation. My first fight was easy, and my next 4 were bloody difficult against pretty good players so I really enjoyed that, it was a good opportunity to see what was and wasn't working.
Also I scored a awesome trophy and another 40 point's towards my Nidan( I have managed to get 60 in just a month which is lucky) The trophy is pretty epic so it looks like I won until you ask. So don't ask.
Hugo didn't do bad either, he won his first two fights before being eliminated by a devastating Uchi-Mata (Inner-Thigh Throw) for Ippon.
Bad luck as there is no repecharge, but good job getting there!
Tomorrow Ivica will be coming back to prepare for the OJU & will be coming along to watch Hugo & I fight at the Kiwi International Cup in Saiko ( Or something like that) City Dome.
Conveniently I'll be getting back home just a week before my 21st and Christmass is 5 days after that. I won't be having a 21st party though I'm too broke and would rather just spend my first few weeks back getting my plans sorted out for the next year ecetera!
The two competition's after the Kiwi Cup are both Nidan competition's, for the first one it's a pool style so that will be fun and the second is a Batsugun so that can test my cardio I suppose, providing I don't lose my first or second fight haha.
My students are probably going to be a bit gutted I'm leaving, my company certainly is a bit pissed off, fair enough but if I can't afford to eat and travel to work I can't stick around. One of my kids classes gave me a really cute thank you card for teaching them, its all hand drawn, with pokemon and all the other thing's they like.
On the front it says SANQU!! I think this means thank you, these kids are 4-7 years old so don't expect anybetter! The rest of the card is in Japanese, so it isn't looking that great for me as an English teacer (but come on they are 5-7 ..or 10) years old.
There is even a four leaf clover in there!
In New Zealand by training Schedule is probably going to be Monday :UNI Tuesday : Judokwai Wednesday UNI Judo, Thursday:Judokwai (friday and saturday same pattern)
Hopefully I can get to Western a couple of times each week aswell.
So it's pretty important I get working part time or temping or anything as soon as possible so I can afford to travel around and also pay the fees to both clubs.. I don't think it's that expensive though.
Thats about all.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Interested in Training in Japan?
Some news here,
Anyone who happen's to be interested in Training in Japan, specificly Kyoto; please contact Sensei Rick Littlewood for more details,
Aside from that, everything is the same old... busy month coming for November with 4 Shiaii's so looking forward to kicking some ass and getting on the mat for the competitions.
In the last Month or so I have also become a mater chief cooking up curry, fried rice, donburi and other simple dishes most days which makes life about 60% cheaper and gives me something to do.
Ritsumeikan are at the All Japan Collegiate Games this weekend, hopefully we don't draw Tokai first round...should go quite well.
Ivica has popped back to NZ briefly to Win the nationals and fight at the OJU World Cup then I believe he's coming back, so that should be cool - hopefully he does well there.
Work is going allright, its pretty draining work but I get to train before work with the Riot Police and also train at Ritsumeikan 3 days a week plus Daishin Dojo after work in Osaka so getting in about 9 or 10 Judo sessions a week on top of working.
The main development in Kyoto recently is that it's bloody cold, its gone from the insane 40 degree's to around 10 degree's now which is a bit of a change in lifestyle. Mum's just put a package of warm gear in the mail for me which is brilliant. Tanoshimi.
It's going to get to ice cold snow weather in another month so will need some more gears.
It's halloween in a week or so and the Japanese people are going all out to show just how connected to the rest of the world they are, I think they make more of an effort around here than the Americans do. All week my students (4-10 year olds) have been arriving to class in their costumes (usually a witch, pumpkin, vampire or something totally irrelevant like a top hat and tie, or cowboy hat and suit jacket?! wtf lol) it's pretty cute Tuesday evening kindergarten class had a little halloween party and they walked around the room from parent to parent saying trick or treat and getting a bit of candy. I joined in and got some too. Have to teach by example.
Hugo has changed from Ritsumeikan University to training at Kyoto Uni which is Newaza orientated, he seems to be enjoying it so far which is good.
I'm based out of Rits and the Kidotai with a weekly forray to training at Daishin with Matsuura Sensei in Tsuruhashi, its perfect as it's on my way home from work. Might be visiting Doshisha Uni in the evenings soon as its on my way home from work on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, but will have to check the times with Matsuura Sensei as I finish pretty late as I start late after morning training.
I have one pair of socks now, dont really know what happend to the rest of them. This house kinda seems to eat clothes.. things just dont come out of the laundry system or oneday arent in your closet. It happens to everyone I'm not sure whats up with that. Just another mystery. That said I have the same problem back home but blamed it on my dog generally.
Anyone who happen's to be interested in Training in Japan, specificly Kyoto; please contact Sensei Rick Littlewood for more details,
Aside from that, everything is the same old... busy month coming for November with 4 Shiaii's so looking forward to kicking some ass and getting on the mat for the competitions.
In the last Month or so I have also become a mater chief cooking up curry, fried rice, donburi and other simple dishes most days which makes life about 60% cheaper and gives me something to do.
Ritsumeikan are at the All Japan Collegiate Games this weekend, hopefully we don't draw Tokai first round...should go quite well.
Ivica has popped back to NZ briefly to Win the nationals and fight at the OJU World Cup then I believe he's coming back, so that should be cool - hopefully he does well there.
Work is going allright, its pretty draining work but I get to train before work with the Riot Police and also train at Ritsumeikan 3 days a week plus Daishin Dojo after work in Osaka so getting in about 9 or 10 Judo sessions a week on top of working.
The main development in Kyoto recently is that it's bloody cold, its gone from the insane 40 degree's to around 10 degree's now which is a bit of a change in lifestyle. Mum's just put a package of warm gear in the mail for me which is brilliant. Tanoshimi.
It's going to get to ice cold snow weather in another month so will need some more gears.
It's halloween in a week or so and the Japanese people are going all out to show just how connected to the rest of the world they are, I think they make more of an effort around here than the Americans do. All week my students (4-10 year olds) have been arriving to class in their costumes (usually a witch, pumpkin, vampire or something totally irrelevant like a top hat and tie, or cowboy hat and suit jacket?! wtf lol) it's pretty cute Tuesday evening kindergarten class had a little halloween party and they walked around the room from parent to parent saying trick or treat and getting a bit of candy. I joined in and got some too. Have to teach by example.
Hugo has changed from Ritsumeikan University to training at Kyoto Uni which is Newaza orientated, he seems to be enjoying it so far which is good.
I'm based out of Rits and the Kidotai with a weekly forray to training at Daishin with Matsuura Sensei in Tsuruhashi, its perfect as it's on my way home from work. Might be visiting Doshisha Uni in the evenings soon as its on my way home from work on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, but will have to check the times with Matsuura Sensei as I finish pretty late as I start late after morning training.
I have one pair of socks now, dont really know what happend to the rest of them. This house kinda seems to eat clothes.. things just dont come out of the laundry system or oneday arent in your closet. It happens to everyone I'm not sure whats up with that. Just another mystery. That said I have the same problem back home but blamed it on my dog generally.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Oji-San Invasion
As many of you may know, lastweek the NZL Masters Judo team competed representing NZ at the Asian Judo masters games here in Japan.
Not satisfied with their very impressive results (Rick Sensei Gold, Pat Toner Gold, Robert Levy Silver Open weight & Bronze weight division plus another bronze from Khan) they have come to Kyoto for a week of intensive girl watching, sight seeing, shopping and of course Judo.
The guys are staying here at the fightclub house, liking it so far - no one is adverse to showering with a gas heated hose that intermittently is not heated for days on end, sleeping on the floor with a 2 MM thick mattress or holes in the floor. Infact they seem to actually like the place which is great- located 2 minutes from the Karasuma Subway line (a main artery line through Kyoto) 5 Minutes walk from a shopping mall, 3 Dojo's within 15 minutes and a gym also within 15 minutes.
It's been good having the guys here so far, Robert has been a great help in terms of knowledge regarding nutrition, training, circuits, gym work the list goes on. I have to have a notebook handy to get all the info, especially nutritional.
I met the team at Kyoto Station yesterday afternoon and it was straight into it, home to drop off the bags, a hasty tour of the manor and then we were back on the lines heading to Osaka to train with Matsuura Sensei's club Daishin Dojo also known as "Kiwi Club" (Matsuura was first national coach of NZ and the Dojo is Sister club to many Judo Clubs in NZ). The training there was good, lots of randori's I wasn't fighting that great but towards the end was sharpening up.
I had a great training yesterday morning at the Kidotai.. literally my best training session there ever, period. Something must of clicked, I was using a new throw I devised, new gripping and new combo's and it caught them off guard. I managed to stalemate Sano San and throw Machia San a few times both guys normally deal me hiding's so to stalemate one and get another was feeling great.
I just received my final scholarship payment, which is's not neccessarily the end of the road right now though. I have a job interview tomorow for a part time job so depending on the outcome of said interview I will decide what the next move is. If I get the job I will be earning more than I would fulltime in NZ doing only 10 hours a week plus my Judo so I cant see how it could go wrong. If I dont make the cut then its a few more weeks of training here and back home to prepare financially for Uni and continue my training there as intensely as possible.
So either result I'm going to be happy.
I really would like to see my family but if I did get the job it wouldnt be long before I could afford to fly for a visit, month or 2. I'm not sure how long I would stay if I get the job anyway.. It's something I'm going to need to play by ear and work out myself.
Did a circuit this morning at the gym under Robs supervision, it's best to do leading up towards a competition working on explosive power to peak perfectly for the fights. So right now looking at doing it twice a week, and 2 days of fullbody workout working on mass until 83/84 Kilo's then going on to power. Ivica will be working mostly off the circuit soon as he is leading up to the NZ Nationals and then the OJU WORLD CUP in Samoa 2 Weeks after so explosive power, peak performance and conditioning are really essential.
This afternoon after a Protein & Complex Carbs rich lunch it's Ritsumeikan Judo training which is allways body wasting and then Enshin Dojo training a couple of hours later at night. Will probably finish that around 10 and be in bed by 1130 since I have to be up at 730AM for training with Riot Cops Judo Team to start the day off. Though after that my next thing will be my Job interview in the afternoon then training at Daishin Dojo which is nearby so that works out really well.
Josepha from Daishin who has given me the lead at the company has been awesome and is lending me a Blazer Jacket for the interview, plus I have the inside interview tips so should go well.
Not satisfied with their very impressive results (Rick Sensei Gold, Pat Toner Gold, Robert Levy Silver Open weight & Bronze weight division plus another bronze from Khan) they have come to Kyoto for a week of intensive girl watching, sight seeing, shopping and of course Judo.
The guys are staying here at the fightclub house, liking it so far - no one is adverse to showering with a gas heated hose that intermittently is not heated for days on end, sleeping on the floor with a 2 MM thick mattress or holes in the floor. Infact they seem to actually like the place which is great- located 2 minutes from the Karasuma Subway line (a main artery line through Kyoto) 5 Minutes walk from a shopping mall, 3 Dojo's within 15 minutes and a gym also within 15 minutes.
It's been good having the guys here so far, Robert has been a great help in terms of knowledge regarding nutrition, training, circuits, gym work the list goes on. I have to have a notebook handy to get all the info, especially nutritional.
I met the team at Kyoto Station yesterday afternoon and it was straight into it, home to drop off the bags, a hasty tour of the manor and then we were back on the lines heading to Osaka to train with Matsuura Sensei's club Daishin Dojo also known as "Kiwi Club" (Matsuura was first national coach of NZ and the Dojo is Sister club to many Judo Clubs in NZ). The training there was good, lots of randori's I wasn't fighting that great but towards the end was sharpening up.
I had a great training yesterday morning at the Kidotai.. literally my best training session there ever, period. Something must of clicked, I was using a new throw I devised, new gripping and new combo's and it caught them off guard. I managed to stalemate Sano San and throw Machia San a few times both guys normally deal me hiding's so to stalemate one and get another was feeling great.
I just received my final scholarship payment, which is's not neccessarily the end of the road right now though. I have a job interview tomorow for a part time job so depending on the outcome of said interview I will decide what the next move is. If I get the job I will be earning more than I would fulltime in NZ doing only 10 hours a week plus my Judo so I cant see how it could go wrong. If I dont make the cut then its a few more weeks of training here and back home to prepare financially for Uni and continue my training there as intensely as possible.
So either result I'm going to be happy.
I really would like to see my family but if I did get the job it wouldnt be long before I could afford to fly for a visit, month or 2. I'm not sure how long I would stay if I get the job anyway.. It's something I'm going to need to play by ear and work out myself.
Did a circuit this morning at the gym under Robs supervision, it's best to do leading up towards a competition working on explosive power to peak perfectly for the fights. So right now looking at doing it twice a week, and 2 days of fullbody workout working on mass until 83/84 Kilo's then going on to power. Ivica will be working mostly off the circuit soon as he is leading up to the NZ Nationals and then the OJU WORLD CUP in Samoa 2 Weeks after so explosive power, peak performance and conditioning are really essential.
This afternoon after a Protein & Complex Carbs rich lunch it's Ritsumeikan Judo training which is allways body wasting and then Enshin Dojo training a couple of hours later at night. Will probably finish that around 10 and be in bed by 1130 since I have to be up at 730AM for training with Riot Cops Judo Team to start the day off. Though after that my next thing will be my Job interview in the afternoon then training at Daishin Dojo which is nearby so that works out really well.
Josepha from Daishin who has given me the lead at the company has been awesome and is lending me a Blazer Jacket for the interview, plus I have the inside interview tips so should go well.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Times a Changin
So much has happend in the last couple of weeks that its hard to provide an update that makes any sense if I'm just gonna take the easy way out and stick to basics.
The last couple of weeks of this Month has been some real high's and low's for my exile from NZ to Kyoto. One low point was getting rather sick (viral or bacterial infection on my lymph nodes) which meant 5 days with no training, expensive medicine... unfortunately it got worse; I had to have a blood test.
Now what most people don't know is that I'm freaked out by needles, not knitting needles but injection needles - Syringe is the medical jargon I believe (I'm no doctor) while this was a very unpleasant activity for me, my good friend & landlord Aoki San found it quite amusing - especially when the Nurse got the wrong vein and had to go again. Poor little Obasan (Baba for short (old lady)) nurse could see and hear that I was not enjoying this one bit and got nervous and missed. This had the effect of causing further stress on myself, my vision is swimming, im hyper ventalating... why is my blood coming out black? is this bad? why is everybody laughing (including the old men in the waiting room)these things and more were running through my head.
Finally it was over and the big brave boy got a sticky plaster (no lollypops in the land of Samurai!)
I have to say I'm very gratefull to Aoki San for taking time from his busy schedule as Boss of Total Home Architecture Corp to take me to the Doc a couple of times - its not easy to get medical care if your a gaijin alien and harder still if you dont speak Japanese.
So I'm on this great cocktail of drugs that would make any pensioner proud, taking 12 pills a day at different times plus 3 Doctor prescribed vitamin drinks.. so I'm getting better but have been told to avoid Newaza for a week as it could cause my Neck Lymph Nodes too much stress... will have to try and keep my Shiaii this Sunday to standing fighting then, I'll do what I can.
Well as I before mentioned.. the price of Doctor Visits and Medicine was no small blow to my limited wallet; Budget Cuts that would make the Government cringe had to be made. First off, whats all this Lunch business about then - well whatever all that fuss is about it has to stop. Secondly how much are you spending on breakfast? "300 Yen" 'WHAT! make that 100 Yen! 2 slices of toast quick smart Mr Reynolds.' So by following this formulae of budget cutting popularised by TV's 'Money Man' I cut corners or more correctly whole blocks out of my budget. Things have picked up again and resolved themselves back to a nice balance, but I did have a lean week or two. Currently eating nice, large nutritous breakfast's again but I did learn a couple of good tricks that I'm going to keep in effect.
Good things going on this Month would include the 3 Competition's I have happening starting from this Sunday and going through next week including my Shodan Shiaii which is really exiting for me right now. Trainings going completely Ace aswell right now - foccussing on Kumi Kata (tactical grips) to dominate and controll my fights and keeping preasure on my opponents at all time. basicaly keeping them on the back foot physically and mentally from the get go.
I have a very strong lead for a part-time job in a English Teaching company, the pay is great to say the least so this could be the timely miracle I have been hanging out for...fingers and toes crossed. I'v been seeing my (fighting, not fashion)style turn a few corner's recently so I'm hoping to see where that end's up.
Got an unexpected phone call from Bill Vincent from New Zealand a couple of days ago who was hanging out with my old man Greg suprisingly, got to say hi to both of them and got told to take a few days off to recover (which Mum also ordered) was nice to get a call so that was cool.
While I'm at it I should nominate my Aunty Trish for a nobel prize for being such a big help during last months turmoil - without her help I would definatly be back in New Zealand right now not training here at this level.
Also we have Ivica Pavlinic staying here with us now for a bit, which is great; he's enjoying the training and is a real help to have here. It's really good to have new faces here and more people to train, talk and hangout with; which reminds me we have the New Zealand Master's team (which is going to be the strongest yet) coming to stay for a week late this Month. Hopefully they enjoy out Fightclub style accomodation that we have to offer. This building definatly resembles the fight club manpad in more ways than one.
I should have alot of actually interesting news to post next time as opposed to this rather lame rant, so hang in there.
The last couple of weeks of this Month has been some real high's and low's for my exile from NZ to Kyoto. One low point was getting rather sick (viral or bacterial infection on my lymph nodes) which meant 5 days with no training, expensive medicine... unfortunately it got worse; I had to have a blood test.
Now what most people don't know is that I'm freaked out by needles, not knitting needles but injection needles - Syringe is the medical jargon I believe (I'm no doctor) while this was a very unpleasant activity for me, my good friend & landlord Aoki San found it quite amusing - especially when the Nurse got the wrong vein and had to go again. Poor little Obasan (Baba for short (old lady)) nurse could see and hear that I was not enjoying this one bit and got nervous and missed. This had the effect of causing further stress on myself, my vision is swimming, im hyper ventalating... why is my blood coming out black? is this bad? why is everybody laughing (including the old men in the waiting room)these things and more were running through my head.
Finally it was over and the big brave boy got a sticky plaster (no lollypops in the land of Samurai!)
I have to say I'm very gratefull to Aoki San for taking time from his busy schedule as Boss of Total Home Architecture Corp to take me to the Doc a couple of times - its not easy to get medical care if your a gaijin alien and harder still if you dont speak Japanese.
So I'm on this great cocktail of drugs that would make any pensioner proud, taking 12 pills a day at different times plus 3 Doctor prescribed vitamin drinks.. so I'm getting better but have been told to avoid Newaza for a week as it could cause my Neck Lymph Nodes too much stress... will have to try and keep my Shiaii this Sunday to standing fighting then, I'll do what I can.
Well as I before mentioned.. the price of Doctor Visits and Medicine was no small blow to my limited wallet; Budget Cuts that would make the Government cringe had to be made. First off, whats all this Lunch business about then - well whatever all that fuss is about it has to stop. Secondly how much are you spending on breakfast? "300 Yen" 'WHAT! make that 100 Yen! 2 slices of toast quick smart Mr Reynolds.' So by following this formulae of budget cutting popularised by TV's 'Money Man' I cut corners or more correctly whole blocks out of my budget. Things have picked up again and resolved themselves back to a nice balance, but I did have a lean week or two. Currently eating nice, large nutritous breakfast's again but I did learn a couple of good tricks that I'm going to keep in effect.
Good things going on this Month would include the 3 Competition's I have happening starting from this Sunday and going through next week including my Shodan Shiaii which is really exiting for me right now. Trainings going completely Ace aswell right now - foccussing on Kumi Kata (tactical grips) to dominate and controll my fights and keeping preasure on my opponents at all time. basicaly keeping them on the back foot physically and mentally from the get go.
I have a very strong lead for a part-time job in a English Teaching company, the pay is great to say the least so this could be the timely miracle I have been hanging out for...fingers and toes crossed. I'v been seeing my (fighting, not fashion)style turn a few corner's recently so I'm hoping to see where that end's up.
Got an unexpected phone call from Bill Vincent from New Zealand a couple of days ago who was hanging out with my old man Greg suprisingly, got to say hi to both of them and got told to take a few days off to recover (which Mum also ordered) was nice to get a call so that was cool.
While I'm at it I should nominate my Aunty Trish for a nobel prize for being such a big help during last months turmoil - without her help I would definatly be back in New Zealand right now not training here at this level.
Also we have Ivica Pavlinic staying here with us now for a bit, which is great; he's enjoying the training and is a real help to have here. It's really good to have new faces here and more people to train, talk and hangout with; which reminds me we have the New Zealand Master's team (which is going to be the strongest yet) coming to stay for a week late this Month. Hopefully they enjoy out Fightclub style accomodation that we have to offer. This building definatly resembles the fight club manpad in more ways than one.
I should have alot of actually interesting news to post next time as opposed to this rather lame rant, so hang in there.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Up & up
Things have considerably improved steadily this month since my last posts high.
Have two competitions this month, both in a week and a half so I'm stoked about that.
Watched my crew from Rits Uni fight at the Kansai Uni games on the weekend, we did pretty well winning through our pool until we got caught against Tenri Uni in some sort of final (unsure if it was final or semi) Tenri took us out by winning all the 5 fights (it was a team fight competition) a couple they won easily but there was a couple we came close to getting them in. Kimura San's Seoi Nage (shoulder throw) came close to taking out his opponent multiple times but just wasnt Quiiiiiiiiiiite there, but bloody close. Another one of our guys (known as Tomo-nage San) dominated his fight by using drop techiniques like Tomo-Nage & other sacrafice throws to get his opponent to the ground where he dominated, getting a few small points by pins and coming very close to getting a good armbar and a choke. Unfortunately he got caught by a sneaky throw towards the end of the fight.
Tenri's a tough tough Uni team, so while the guys where obviously a bit gutted they did a pretty good job, especially considering they didn't put in their best team because of injuries they still put on their best effort. Tenri is really high level for Judo, having a much bigger pool of players and the National Coach of Japan Shinoharra coaching them I believe.
We have been day tripping on Osaka most Mondays recently to train at Daishin Dojo under Matsuura Sensei, who has been kind enough to enter us in the competitions and on Saturday night after the competion invited us over for a true feast of a BBQ, no one could finish what was on the table by a long shot. Lamb chops, Steaks, Chicken, Salad, red wine, champagne, white wine, beer, Sake, fish, sausages, giant sea snails (mmmmm!!!!) the list goes on. It was really good of Matsuura Sensei and His Wife to host us - plus his daughter Seiiko and her Samoan Fiance osefa (sorry I dont have the correct spelling for your name so I'm just winging it.) osefa's pretty keen to come train with us at Rits in the next week or so which will be good fun.
Hugo has spent the last 3 weeks or so off the mat due to a wrist injury when he crashed his bike of all things, haha. But its improving lately and he has just started coming along to do a bit of Uchi- Komi and light randori with kiddies and scrawny teenagers :P
Training has been on form for me lately, enjoying it immensley and everthing is back to normal times so I'm keeping occupied and got good focuss. Kasuga Sensei gave me a awesome bag full of Japanese cookie, including some so hard you will feel the pain at the back of your head when you bite them. Not to be attempted without a bit of tea to soften them.
Iv had a big swollen lump of fluid on my shin lately which really sucks! Its not stopping my training at all but when I go on my runs I can feel it bobbing around! gross!!! Also when someone happens to kick be in that spot it hurts like hell. Of course with my infinite ingenuity I have taken to rolling up a sock and taping if ontop of the lump for some protection (I tape it very heavily so you can't see the sock at all, before anyone says otherwise) and now I have a similar lump on my armpit, albeit much smaller (totally unrelated) might have a flu coming on according to google. Hope not.
It's officially Autumn now, so of course Autumn fashion is in! Big coats, leggings for ladies, scarves, long sleeves. Despite the fact that the temperature is still usually above 34 degrees, never mind that.
Decided to get some more protein powder since I'm weight training through a programme right now for more relative strength for Judo and explosiveness. I'm not actually sure if its the right stuff but it says Judo on the front and the lady at the shop said its recovery, and it was relatively cheap, ichiban Yasui.
We have Ivica Pavlinic from NZ arriving tomorow evening to stay and train here alongside us, should be good fun to have another face around the place.
Have two competitions this month, both in a week and a half so I'm stoked about that.
Watched my crew from Rits Uni fight at the Kansai Uni games on the weekend, we did pretty well winning through our pool until we got caught against Tenri Uni in some sort of final (unsure if it was final or semi) Tenri took us out by winning all the 5 fights (it was a team fight competition) a couple they won easily but there was a couple we came close to getting them in. Kimura San's Seoi Nage (shoulder throw) came close to taking out his opponent multiple times but just wasnt Quiiiiiiiiiiite there, but bloody close. Another one of our guys (known as Tomo-nage San) dominated his fight by using drop techiniques like Tomo-Nage & other sacrafice throws to get his opponent to the ground where he dominated, getting a few small points by pins and coming very close to getting a good armbar and a choke. Unfortunately he got caught by a sneaky throw towards the end of the fight.
Tenri's a tough tough Uni team, so while the guys where obviously a bit gutted they did a pretty good job, especially considering they didn't put in their best team because of injuries they still put on their best effort. Tenri is really high level for Judo, having a much bigger pool of players and the National Coach of Japan Shinoharra coaching them I believe.
We have been day tripping on Osaka most Mondays recently to train at Daishin Dojo under Matsuura Sensei, who has been kind enough to enter us in the competitions and on Saturday night after the competion invited us over for a true feast of a BBQ, no one could finish what was on the table by a long shot. Lamb chops, Steaks, Chicken, Salad, red wine, champagne, white wine, beer, Sake, fish, sausages, giant sea snails (mmmmm!!!!) the list goes on. It was really good of Matsuura Sensei and His Wife to host us - plus his daughter Seiiko and her Samoan Fiance osefa (sorry I dont have the correct spelling for your name so I'm just winging it.) osefa's pretty keen to come train with us at Rits in the next week or so which will be good fun.
Hugo has spent the last 3 weeks or so off the mat due to a wrist injury when he crashed his bike of all things, haha. But its improving lately and he has just started coming along to do a bit of Uchi- Komi and light randori with kiddies and scrawny teenagers :P
Training has been on form for me lately, enjoying it immensley and everthing is back to normal times so I'm keeping occupied and got good focuss. Kasuga Sensei gave me a awesome bag full of Japanese cookie, including some so hard you will feel the pain at the back of your head when you bite them. Not to be attempted without a bit of tea to soften them.
Iv had a big swollen lump of fluid on my shin lately which really sucks! Its not stopping my training at all but when I go on my runs I can feel it bobbing around! gross!!! Also when someone happens to kick be in that spot it hurts like hell. Of course with my infinite ingenuity I have taken to rolling up a sock and taping if ontop of the lump for some protection (I tape it very heavily so you can't see the sock at all, before anyone says otherwise) and now I have a similar lump on my armpit, albeit much smaller (totally unrelated) might have a flu coming on according to google. Hope not.
It's officially Autumn now, so of course Autumn fashion is in! Big coats, leggings for ladies, scarves, long sleeves. Despite the fact that the temperature is still usually above 34 degrees, never mind that.
Decided to get some more protein powder since I'm weight training through a programme right now for more relative strength for Judo and explosiveness. I'm not actually sure if its the right stuff but it says Judo on the front and the lady at the shop said its recovery, and it was relatively cheap, ichiban Yasui.
We have Ivica Pavlinic from NZ arriving tomorow evening to stay and train here alongside us, should be good fun to have another face around the place.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Lame Month

Well, finally doing another update haha.
This month since getting back from training camp has been relatively stink, training hard but had a mishap a few days ago which has caused a fair deal of stress for me and my family, fortunately things look like its going to work out - thank god I decided to get travel insurance at the last moment.
The Kidotai arent training too hard right now as this friday they have the All Japan Police Games so are preparing for that via light light light training, which is understandable. Ritsumeikan have been out of Kyoto but on thursday are back to normal schedule which is good news. so last week and this week have been only about 8 judo sessions for the week which isnt really what I'm after but enough not to complain, hopefully can push at 10-12 next week if everythings back on schedule again.
Went to Daishin Dojo in Osaka to see Matsuura Sensei and enter into the Shodan Shiaii offially, which is exiting so I have that very soon, plus another 3 competitions over the next couple of months so thats at least something to be a bit more positive about. There was a big photo on the wall at Daishin Dojo of my uncle Chris and Aunty Loretta with Matsuura Sensei and his wife when they signed the Osaka Kiwi Club Judo Exchange programme up - so that was really unexpected but quite cool, funnily I dont think Chris is aware that I'm over here at all. Also Matsuura Sensei knows of my father as he had a name board made up through Pops.
Little bit hopesick this last couple of weeks but thats just because a few things have gone wrong, I'm sure when things pick up for me I'll be sweet as again.
Mum went along to Auckland Uni Open day on my behalf to investigate the bachelor in physical education - Looking forward to starting that up eventually, Uni students get awesome holidays which I can use to train over here for 3-4 month stints plus short days so I can try and get double trainings in back in Auckland plus time in gym.
Actually on a lighter note so I dont come accross too negative and mopey; Some of my techniques are coming along alot better now thanks to a few pointers Kasuga Sensei gave me at training camp so getting better execution, and my Newaza has bounced up a notch with some new tricks up my sleeze but mostly a more solid general game and clean basics.
: )
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Training Camp
Havn't done an update in a good halth month as Iv been off the radar.
I went to a training Camp with the guys from Ritsumeikan Uni Judo team on Kyushu Island in the Kagoshima prefecture, at Kanoya University - which is incidentaly the National University for sport and Fitness.
So needless to say they have awesome facilities and take Judo very seriously.
Overall I would say the camp was like being a Spartan for a week, we lived in a guest dorm building for visiting athlete teams, in tatami bunk rooms.
The average day would follow this formulae;
#Wake up 0600- Go for run
#0700 - Eat Breakfast together in the cafeteria (Usually a bowl of rice, a salad, and a suprise)
#0730 - Rush back to the Dorms: spend the next hour chugging down water, taping fingers, organising your gear, quick nap
#0830 - Leave for Judo: We walk to the Judo Dojo on Campuss which is a huge building surrounded by a boat easily 5 stories in height, designed to look like an imposing Samurai Castle. Once there, change into Judo Gi in our own Dojo set aside for us to warm up in each day (Huge area)
#0900 - Begin first training: First we do 5 minutes jog around the mat (which is 4 Competition Mats, in Olympic colours - Blue and Yellow) Then go through the warmups; generally being basic stretches, some situps and dips.
Now the training begins in earnest, we pair off and do Uchikomi Drills (Perfmorming a technique to the point of throwing over and over again) we would literally go through 100's of these. It's excellent. Now ...lets all throw each other as many times as possible in 10 minutes in sets of 10 each - By the way no Minor techniques today only big painfull throws (ouch).
----2 minutes break to cover up any new cuts, and skull some water ( remember its 39 degrees here)----
No messing around, straight into Randori (sparring) now, Standup only. Either 20 Rounds in which everyone has to work their ass off with no rest. Or, divide in 3 groups, 2 groups allways on and 1 off so we go through 30 but do 20 having 1 off every 3. This is better for techinique wheras 20 in a row is good for being a hardass and becoming a beast.
A while later its over, finally.
Not actually, now power uchikomi in groups of 3 - try your hardest to throw someone while someone else stands behind them trying to keep them up. 8 sets of 10 each generally.
Now into pairs, more Uchikomi - this time speed Uchikomi - Major Throws only. Do as many as you can with all your power and speed in 30 seconds, 2 seconds break to change grip then again, and again. 2 groups of 6 sets each. This one is awesome.
Now we go through a circuit, 2 times each. Including things like dips, clapping pushups, situps, chinups on gis, jumping, squats and a whole range of other body killers.
Sometimes to be cruel we just do 120 Dip Pushups ( no shit i counted) 150 situps, then squat jumps accross the whole dojo and back twice - I couldnt walk up or down stairs without SERIOUS pain for days, it still hurts)
Now lets go to the ropes and climb to the top and back down twice each
Ok good work everyone - Bow off. Class over
Is now about 1200 so we all get changed.
#1200 - Waddle over to the Cafeteria and have lunch together, identical to breakfast really maybe a small change in one dish.
#1230 - Get home, Put Judogi in washing machine, organise general laundry, have a protein shake, drink no less than 2 litres of Water, Jump into bed and sleep a bit - next training is at 4 so I can have about 2 hours comfortable real sleep. I set an alarm for each hour though and drink a bit of water though.
#1530 - Head over to training number 2 - We all grab a fresh gi, retape about mangled fingers and torn muscles etc and head over, this time at a slower pace so we leave a bit earlier than in the morning haha.
This training is 100% Newaza (Groundfighting Orientated) the guys here are known around the way for being exceptional groundfighters, verrry technical and well drilled. Warmups are the usual - Dips, situps etc. Then lay on our stomachs and drag ourselves using our arms accross the mats, then go backwards on your back using your feet, then sideways bouncing like a salmon ( I hate this the most ) the Eby movement and a range of others.
Now we do Newaza Drills - Your partner (Uke) starts with a looping hold on your arm and you on your side- he tries to pin you, strangle you or armbar you, and you try to escape and defend. He has about 30 seconds. We do this about 10 times with different partners each time. Once I got lucky an reversed the guy into a pin from a defending, which was a cocky move. I was feeling cool until I got owned by him in 10 seconds next time haha.
----2 minutes break for water and tissues to wipe away tears---
Back on the mat, now 30 minutes of Randori Newaza; It goes until someone submits, then you change partners immediatly. At first each fight lasted 1 or 2 minutes at most for me before i tapped, towards the end of the camp I adjusted my style and wised up a bit - on the last training I had one fight go for 30 minutes with no clear winner - we just kept going back and fowards. Countering and reversing each others positions.
-----2 Minutes break------
another 30 Minutes or maybe 1 hour of Newaza Randori, same style.
Afterwhich we go through more drills, and the Sensei or guest will show us something - main focuss of the camp was Shimei Waza (Strangles and chokes) Usually in the bridge between in standing and ground (for example opponent fails a throw and is on his stomach - now strangle him) Simple in theory and well drilled in NZ - but I really learn alot of new things and ways to go about it.
#1900 - Finished training - Now go to dinner together, we eat dinner and watch Baseball usually, then we head to home and organise laundry - organise for the next day and drink alot of water. Generally I'm in bed at 2130 but dont sleep til 2300 as some people like to play around and bully the Kohai (juniors) for a few hours. Understandable.
--End of day ---- Repeat X6
We got the Camp by Ferry from Osaka Port (Ichiban Yasui - Cheapest way) Ferry took 17 hours but has a games room, beds and restaurant so wasnt all bad. One way the guys entertain themselves is bullying the Kohai, whats accepted as normal here would result in legal actions in NZ.
Its Ok to punch your Junior in the face, Kick him in the Head, Slap him, nipple gripple and twist(This seemed to be popular) get him to make your bed, carry your heavy judo bags to training and back after, walk 3 KM at 2300 to the nearest Shop to pick up some groceries for you, Put deep heat/tiger balm on him in painfull areas, have him wash your back in the Public Baths (no joke) and a whole range of other things.
As I'm here to learn the best of japanese Judo and bring it to NZ, I hope to bring the best of this - aside from obvious parts back to NZ.
So coming soon - Diary Entry #32: A day in the life of a Japanese Judo Kohai.
I went to a training Camp with the guys from Ritsumeikan Uni Judo team on Kyushu Island in the Kagoshima prefecture, at Kanoya University - which is incidentaly the National University for sport and Fitness.
So needless to say they have awesome facilities and take Judo very seriously.
Overall I would say the camp was like being a Spartan for a week, we lived in a guest dorm building for visiting athlete teams, in tatami bunk rooms.
The average day would follow this formulae;
#Wake up 0600- Go for run
#0700 - Eat Breakfast together in the cafeteria (Usually a bowl of rice, a salad, and a suprise)
#0730 - Rush back to the Dorms: spend the next hour chugging down water, taping fingers, organising your gear, quick nap
#0830 - Leave for Judo: We walk to the Judo Dojo on Campuss which is a huge building surrounded by a boat easily 5 stories in height, designed to look like an imposing Samurai Castle. Once there, change into Judo Gi in our own Dojo set aside for us to warm up in each day (Huge area)
#0900 - Begin first training: First we do 5 minutes jog around the mat (which is 4 Competition Mats, in Olympic colours - Blue and Yellow) Then go through the warmups; generally being basic stretches, some situps and dips.
Now the training begins in earnest, we pair off and do Uchikomi Drills (Perfmorming a technique to the point of throwing over and over again) we would literally go through 100's of these. It's excellent. Now ...lets all throw each other as many times as possible in 10 minutes in sets of 10 each - By the way no Minor techniques today only big painfull throws (ouch).
----2 minutes break to cover up any new cuts, and skull some water ( remember its 39 degrees here)----
No messing around, straight into Randori (sparring) now, Standup only. Either 20 Rounds in which everyone has to work their ass off with no rest. Or, divide in 3 groups, 2 groups allways on and 1 off so we go through 30 but do 20 having 1 off every 3. This is better for techinique wheras 20 in a row is good for being a hardass and becoming a beast.
A while later its over, finally.
Not actually, now power uchikomi in groups of 3 - try your hardest to throw someone while someone else stands behind them trying to keep them up. 8 sets of 10 each generally.
Now into pairs, more Uchikomi - this time speed Uchikomi - Major Throws only. Do as many as you can with all your power and speed in 30 seconds, 2 seconds break to change grip then again, and again. 2 groups of 6 sets each. This one is awesome.
Now we go through a circuit, 2 times each. Including things like dips, clapping pushups, situps, chinups on gis, jumping, squats and a whole range of other body killers.
Sometimes to be cruel we just do 120 Dip Pushups ( no shit i counted) 150 situps, then squat jumps accross the whole dojo and back twice - I couldnt walk up or down stairs without SERIOUS pain for days, it still hurts)
Now lets go to the ropes and climb to the top and back down twice each
Ok good work everyone - Bow off. Class over
Is now about 1200 so we all get changed.
#1200 - Waddle over to the Cafeteria and have lunch together, identical to breakfast really maybe a small change in one dish.
#1230 - Get home, Put Judogi in washing machine, organise general laundry, have a protein shake, drink no less than 2 litres of Water, Jump into bed and sleep a bit - next training is at 4 so I can have about 2 hours comfortable real sleep. I set an alarm for each hour though and drink a bit of water though.
#1530 - Head over to training number 2 - We all grab a fresh gi, retape about mangled fingers and torn muscles etc and head over, this time at a slower pace so we leave a bit earlier than in the morning haha.
This training is 100% Newaza (Groundfighting Orientated) the guys here are known around the way for being exceptional groundfighters, verrry technical and well drilled. Warmups are the usual - Dips, situps etc. Then lay on our stomachs and drag ourselves using our arms accross the mats, then go backwards on your back using your feet, then sideways bouncing like a salmon ( I hate this the most ) the Eby movement and a range of others.
Now we do Newaza Drills - Your partner (Uke) starts with a looping hold on your arm and you on your side- he tries to pin you, strangle you or armbar you, and you try to escape and defend. He has about 30 seconds. We do this about 10 times with different partners each time. Once I got lucky an reversed the guy into a pin from a defending, which was a cocky move. I was feeling cool until I got owned by him in 10 seconds next time haha.
----2 minutes break for water and tissues to wipe away tears---
Back on the mat, now 30 minutes of Randori Newaza; It goes until someone submits, then you change partners immediatly. At first each fight lasted 1 or 2 minutes at most for me before i tapped, towards the end of the camp I adjusted my style and wised up a bit - on the last training I had one fight go for 30 minutes with no clear winner - we just kept going back and fowards. Countering and reversing each others positions.
-----2 Minutes break------
another 30 Minutes or maybe 1 hour of Newaza Randori, same style.
Afterwhich we go through more drills, and the Sensei or guest will show us something - main focuss of the camp was Shimei Waza (Strangles and chokes) Usually in the bridge between in standing and ground (for example opponent fails a throw and is on his stomach - now strangle him) Simple in theory and well drilled in NZ - but I really learn alot of new things and ways to go about it.
#1900 - Finished training - Now go to dinner together, we eat dinner and watch Baseball usually, then we head to home and organise laundry - organise for the next day and drink alot of water. Generally I'm in bed at 2130 but dont sleep til 2300 as some people like to play around and bully the Kohai (juniors) for a few hours. Understandable.
--End of day ---- Repeat X6
We got the Camp by Ferry from Osaka Port (Ichiban Yasui - Cheapest way) Ferry took 17 hours but has a games room, beds and restaurant so wasnt all bad. One way the guys entertain themselves is bullying the Kohai, whats accepted as normal here would result in legal actions in NZ.
Its Ok to punch your Junior in the face, Kick him in the Head, Slap him, nipple gripple and twist(This seemed to be popular) get him to make your bed, carry your heavy judo bags to training and back after, walk 3 KM at 2300 to the nearest Shop to pick up some groceries for you, Put deep heat/tiger balm on him in painfull areas, have him wash your back in the Public Baths (no joke) and a whole range of other things.
As I'm here to learn the best of japanese Judo and bring it to NZ, I hope to bring the best of this - aside from obvious parts back to NZ.
So coming soon - Diary Entry #32: A day in the life of a Japanese Judo Kohai.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I have recovered enough energy to drag myself to my laptop finally and provide all the sadists out there with another update.
My knee injury is pretty much right now, have to be a big carefull still with leg drop throws but its ok as lately I have been playing lefty alot anyway. I alternate alot trying to build strong left and right so no complaints.
Training over the last week has been good but not as busy as usual as we are still in holiday season. back to fullthrottle 2-3 trianings a day as of yesterday ..and to be honest it was really hard getting back into it. In the morning at Kidotai training there was a team fight event again between our guys from Kyoto and another prefecture. They are doing it to decide on Kansai regions best team to send to the All Japan Police Games, so far it looks like it will be a Kyoto dominated team - the team fight is run as a best of 3. Our guys took the first round very lightly - winning only by small scores and penalty's as they just sussed their opposition out, seeing what they have and what their style is.
Round 2: Ippon, Ippon, Ippon etc etc. We won all but 1 of the matchs and nearly all of them by fullscore Ippon throws ( equivilant of boxings knockouts) so the Kyoto guys obviously did a good job of sussing the opposition out.
After than there was a 2 hour break and then into Tachiwaza Randori (Standing Sparring) After a team fight the other team stays 2-3 days to train like a training camp style so theres allways new faces to train with and new styles to work with. I felt really sluggish ... I think I ate too much within the hour before training. Ughhh. I remember an occasion in which Pudgy from Ak/Uni club did this and was vomiting in the toilet after being bombed on his back... at least I did not get to that point..
Straight home from training and 2 hours to rest for training at Enshin Dojo, that went well and I didnt feel sluggish at all there, got some good techniques in and was happy with my posture. They had one hardcore gun there who usually just chills on the side who decided to partake that day..and bring my ego down to size. Cool dude though.
After training we all went along to Yakitori with some of the Judo guys, which seems to be becoming a bi weekly sorta thing. Sensei Rick came along aswell plus a small french contingent who spent the evening sparring wits with Lee calder and coming out worse or wear.
I have to leave for Judo in 20 minutes so time to get my gear together.
My knee injury is pretty much right now, have to be a big carefull still with leg drop throws but its ok as lately I have been playing lefty alot anyway. I alternate alot trying to build strong left and right so no complaints.
Training over the last week has been good but not as busy as usual as we are still in holiday season. back to fullthrottle 2-3 trianings a day as of yesterday ..and to be honest it was really hard getting back into it. In the morning at Kidotai training there was a team fight event again between our guys from Kyoto and another prefecture. They are doing it to decide on Kansai regions best team to send to the All Japan Police Games, so far it looks like it will be a Kyoto dominated team - the team fight is run as a best of 3. Our guys took the first round very lightly - winning only by small scores and penalty's as they just sussed their opposition out, seeing what they have and what their style is.
Round 2: Ippon, Ippon, Ippon etc etc. We won all but 1 of the matchs and nearly all of them by fullscore Ippon throws ( equivilant of boxings knockouts) so the Kyoto guys obviously did a good job of sussing the opposition out.
After than there was a 2 hour break and then into Tachiwaza Randori (Standing Sparring) After a team fight the other team stays 2-3 days to train like a training camp style so theres allways new faces to train with and new styles to work with. I felt really sluggish ... I think I ate too much within the hour before training. Ughhh. I remember an occasion in which Pudgy from Ak/Uni club did this and was vomiting in the toilet after being bombed on his back... at least I did not get to that point..
Straight home from training and 2 hours to rest for training at Enshin Dojo, that went well and I didnt feel sluggish at all there, got some good techniques in and was happy with my posture. They had one hardcore gun there who usually just chills on the side who decided to partake that day..and bring my ego down to size. Cool dude though.
After training we all went along to Yakitori with some of the Judo guys, which seems to be becoming a bi weekly sorta thing. Sensei Rick came along aswell plus a small french contingent who spent the evening sparring wits with Lee calder and coming out worse or wear.
I have to leave for Judo in 20 minutes so time to get my gear together.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Pictures from Riot Police
More complaining
Its too hott!!!
34 Degrees, wearing a double weave Judo gi - going through 10 rounds of randori/sparring. Apparantly I should be happy though as winter is supposedly 10X worse.
Back to fullintensity fighting after doing a medial strain that made me sideline a bit for 4 days or so, now getting back into it after testing the water and finding it ok again. Elbow feeling a bit better now after someones over enthusiastic Juji/arm bar.
Perhaps as revenge for the recent less than flattering video of Sensei Rick showing his technological prowess, we are now expected to go for a run along the river in full Judo gi after Judo while he films it for the infamous unfortunately said video is likely ever to see the light of day as it would result in mutiny at shimei hall.
Training camp is getting closer, just a couple of weeks away. Looking forward to it even though I'm going to be gunning it lone wolf due to everyone else being pansies/having to leave Japan for the OJU's in Aussie. I'm just a bit bitter.
It's taking place in Kyushu - the southern most part of Honshu, the mainland of Japan. Also the hottest part. Woo.
Got another new haircut down the road for the summer months, I asked for a Budo haircut, and I got one. End of story.
Aside from the heat and other pains in the ass, I'm feeling confident about training. Probably because I'm at current reading Lance Armstrongs 'Not about the bike' pretty inspiring read. I give it a 4.3/5 with the .7 deducted for lack of pictures to make it easy for someone whos been thrown on his head 100 times recently to understand.
34 Degrees, wearing a double weave Judo gi - going through 10 rounds of randori/sparring. Apparantly I should be happy though as winter is supposedly 10X worse.
Back to fullintensity fighting after doing a medial strain that made me sideline a bit for 4 days or so, now getting back into it after testing the water and finding it ok again. Elbow feeling a bit better now after someones over enthusiastic Juji/arm bar.
Perhaps as revenge for the recent less than flattering video of Sensei Rick showing his technological prowess, we are now expected to go for a run along the river in full Judo gi after Judo while he films it for the infamous unfortunately said video is likely ever to see the light of day as it would result in mutiny at shimei hall.
Training camp is getting closer, just a couple of weeks away. Looking forward to it even though I'm going to be gunning it lone wolf due to everyone else being pansies/having to leave Japan for the OJU's in Aussie. I'm just a bit bitter.
It's taking place in Kyushu - the southern most part of Honshu, the mainland of Japan. Also the hottest part. Woo.
Got another new haircut down the road for the summer months, I asked for a Budo haircut, and I got one. End of story.
Aside from the heat and other pains in the ass, I'm feeling confident about training. Probably because I'm at current reading Lance Armstrongs 'Not about the bike' pretty inspiring read. I give it a 4.3/5 with the .7 deducted for lack of pictures to make it easy for someone whos been thrown on his head 100 times recently to understand.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Week in Review
Rainy season finally ended just yesterday, suddenly seeing alot more mamals around the town, riding home yesterday from Judo with Lee we spotted ourselves an Otter hooning around the river at top speeed, saw another Snake (poison brown) slithering about, another Otter by the river at nighttime, he was just kicking back on the land with Tim & I.
So I get home after this eventfull day and park my bike and what do I see, nothing other than a Tanuki *the namesake of Sensei Ricks restaurant* playing around our bikes. We have a tense standoff for a minute then it pounds away into our garden and disapears. Tanuki are more or less a mix of a raccoon and a dog with a splash of badger. Very cute, very cuddly but also very strong , brave and aggresive if circumstances permit.

(Tanuki Above)

(Typical Tanuki goodluck Statue, have one at home in NZ)
On Thursday this week did a really hard training, went really well. I did about 9 rounds of Standup Sparring at Kidotai and then another 10 in a row at Enshin Dojo, went really well my fitness is right up there but I nailed my knee a bit at Enshin and only noticed when I got home it hurts to turn it side to side, wheras straight movements are ok. Suspect its a medial ligament strain, will have it looked at in 20 minutes by an expert and should be fine for the new week all going to plan. Also had someone accidenlty attempt to break my arm off with a strong Juji (armbar, I didnt even have a second to submit!) its very tender now and a bit strained at the elbow but it only popped once before I managed to wrench it out. Its not broken so should also be ok come Monday.
Training wise I'm foccussing ony getting my offence, grip fighting and endurance up and up so I'm good for the training camp. Its a Night and half long ferry trip there plus 3 hours by train - the very south of Japan around Kyushu is the destination.
This coming evening Sensei Rick & us are taking Aoki San to an English Pub which will be a nice change, good time to relax and talk Judo of course...what else do people talk about?>!
Still waiting on Lee to upload those pictures, but should be done tomorow so fingers crossed.
So I get home after this eventfull day and park my bike and what do I see, nothing other than a Tanuki *the namesake of Sensei Ricks restaurant* playing around our bikes. We have a tense standoff for a minute then it pounds away into our garden and disapears. Tanuki are more or less a mix of a raccoon and a dog with a splash of badger. Very cute, very cuddly but also very strong , brave and aggresive if circumstances permit.

(Tanuki Above)

(Typical Tanuki goodluck Statue, have one at home in NZ)
On Thursday this week did a really hard training, went really well. I did about 9 rounds of Standup Sparring at Kidotai and then another 10 in a row at Enshin Dojo, went really well my fitness is right up there but I nailed my knee a bit at Enshin and only noticed when I got home it hurts to turn it side to side, wheras straight movements are ok. Suspect its a medial ligament strain, will have it looked at in 20 minutes by an expert and should be fine for the new week all going to plan. Also had someone accidenlty attempt to break my arm off with a strong Juji (armbar, I didnt even have a second to submit!) its very tender now and a bit strained at the elbow but it only popped once before I managed to wrench it out. Its not broken so should also be ok come Monday.
Training wise I'm foccussing ony getting my offence, grip fighting and endurance up and up so I'm good for the training camp. Its a Night and half long ferry trip there plus 3 hours by train - the very south of Japan around Kyushu is the destination.
This coming evening Sensei Rick & us are taking Aoki San to an English Pub which will be a nice change, good time to relax and talk Judo of course...what else do people talk about?>!
Still waiting on Lee to upload those pictures, but should be done tomorow so fingers crossed.
Monday, July 12, 2010
New Arrivals
Hugo has arrived alive and well on his Judo Scholarship from Auckland.
Word has it that he had to ditch A BLUE GI, plus dozens of pairs of underwear and socks so as he could make the weight requirments for the plane. Said goods can be found in Sensei Rick's house - soon to be on sale for cheap in the AK/Uni Judo Club.
First impression: he is very enthusiastic, as long as he continues to be so he will do fine.
Tomorow evening we have Don from western Judo (also silver fox's/dads flat mate) coming to stay for 2 weeks with his son, they will be training here in Kyoto in preparation for Donalds participation in the Oceania Judo Champs (same event Lee is leaving to compete in).
Tim got an excellent package from his crew at Gisborne Judo Club, which Jun (Manager of Auckland Martial Arts Supplies was kind enough to bring over in exchange for a Beer) She also gifted to us other neglected,lost boys 1 KG of Weetbix and 6 bags of Pinaple Lumps. Shes getting a christmass card.
Well just a quick update right now as I have to shoot off on my 1 hour bikeride to Judo in 10 minutes, after which I have a secondary meeting with Kimura Sempai in regards to Lee & I going on training camp - the itinery seems to be a run everymorning, then a big randori session, then a technical session then another randori session. Sleeping on Tatami Mats in the Dojo I think. We are going via Osaka & Ferry to a large island whichs name I cannot write or pronounce to train for 5 days intensively along side Rits & A Physical Education Uni Judo Team. Which I have been assured are VERY tough. Aswell as getting some hardcore Judo in its going to be good for making new connections around Japan and the region for if we every wish to train around here in the future or if I wish to move to different region later on.
Jun also did her inspection of Shimei Palace and was astounded at just how shiny and clean we keep the place, not even a spec of dust on the window sill.
Word has it that he had to ditch A BLUE GI, plus dozens of pairs of underwear and socks so as he could make the weight requirments for the plane. Said goods can be found in Sensei Rick's house - soon to be on sale for cheap in the AK/Uni Judo Club.
First impression: he is very enthusiastic, as long as he continues to be so he will do fine.
Tomorow evening we have Don from western Judo (also silver fox's/dads flat mate) coming to stay for 2 weeks with his son, they will be training here in Kyoto in preparation for Donalds participation in the Oceania Judo Champs (same event Lee is leaving to compete in).
Tim got an excellent package from his crew at Gisborne Judo Club, which Jun (Manager of Auckland Martial Arts Supplies was kind enough to bring over in exchange for a Beer) She also gifted to us other neglected,lost boys 1 KG of Weetbix and 6 bags of Pinaple Lumps. Shes getting a christmass card.
Well just a quick update right now as I have to shoot off on my 1 hour bikeride to Judo in 10 minutes, after which I have a secondary meeting with Kimura Sempai in regards to Lee & I going on training camp - the itinery seems to be a run everymorning, then a big randori session, then a technical session then another randori session. Sleeping on Tatami Mats in the Dojo I think. We are going via Osaka & Ferry to a large island whichs name I cannot write or pronounce to train for 5 days intensively along side Rits & A Physical Education Uni Judo Team. Which I have been assured are VERY tough. Aswell as getting some hardcore Judo in its going to be good for making new connections around Japan and the region for if we every wish to train around here in the future or if I wish to move to different region later on.
Jun also did her inspection of Shimei Palace and was astounded at just how shiny and clean we keep the place, not even a spec of dust on the window sill.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Advice for City Hall ( Auckland)
Well... I have nearly survived yet another week here and I'm looking forward to my Weekend as if promises to be an eventfull one.
We have Hugo arriving around 0100 Saturday Morning, Jun ( Rick Sensei's Daughter) is coming around later on Saturday to clean Shimei Hall, under the guise of an inspection. Being the smart person I am I have deciphered reading between the lines that she intends to clean for us so have dutifully prepared all my laundry and even got the mops and vacuum cleaner ready.
Judo this week has been exceptional, the humidity is doing me no favours, its important to keep your fluid's up, not just important - Critical. Everytime you do something refill your drink bottle. Every year people actually die over here from the humidity so when your cranking out double Judo sessions you must pay heed to the climate.
Climate aside, I have been an training like an animal and it finally is paying off even more. My Kumi-Kata (grip fighting) has been one of the points I have noticed go through the roof aswell as my attacking combinations, which suprised a few guys at the Kidotai today. Ha. Did 20 Touchiwaza Randoris today (Stand up sparring) between two training sessions so feeling fit, putting the hard work in now so the training camp next month dosn't come as too much of a shock to the system.
The Riot Cop Judo Squad/Kidotai invited us to join them for a few Beers and Dinner tomorow evening at an all you can eat & drink buffet in town, which is well priced. It would be very rude to turn them down, so of course we will be in attendance.
Enshin Dojo has also been really good training lately, it's a great place to try some new technique's without getting thrown through the roof, aswell as improve your over all fitness and strength. Recently the Sensei's Daughter was promoted to Vice- Chairman of the All Japan Judo Referee's Comission - the first female to hold this position, its big news. She gifted to Tim, Lee and I all a copy of Kodokan Judo by Jigoro Kano. Very, very kind of her. Will make an effort to train there regularily on top of everything else as they are all good fun.
The homeless people in NZ should really take note of the hobbo's here, they have tidy little shacks out of the way along the river. Within these little shacks they usually have a table and chairs, a few couchs, a nice little futon bed and a chest of drawers. They occupy their days picking up rubbish that happens to float by to keep the area clean, fishing in the river to catch dinner and conversing with their cats. They even take their shoes off before entering their modest (but comfortable) shacks.
I was reading recently that Auckland City Council is looking of ways to clean up the homeless in Auckland before the Rugby World Cup so that Auckland looks like a slice of heaven. I hearby put it to the NZRU & ARC that they send a homeless emissary over to Kyoto to investigate and liase with the local Homeless population so as information can be gathered as to how they could emulate such an existance.
You can even say it was your idea!
We have Hugo arriving around 0100 Saturday Morning, Jun ( Rick Sensei's Daughter) is coming around later on Saturday to clean Shimei Hall, under the guise of an inspection. Being the smart person I am I have deciphered reading between the lines that she intends to clean for us so have dutifully prepared all my laundry and even got the mops and vacuum cleaner ready.
Judo this week has been exceptional, the humidity is doing me no favours, its important to keep your fluid's up, not just important - Critical. Everytime you do something refill your drink bottle. Every year people actually die over here from the humidity so when your cranking out double Judo sessions you must pay heed to the climate.
Climate aside, I have been an training like an animal and it finally is paying off even more. My Kumi-Kata (grip fighting) has been one of the points I have noticed go through the roof aswell as my attacking combinations, which suprised a few guys at the Kidotai today. Ha. Did 20 Touchiwaza Randoris today (Stand up sparring) between two training sessions so feeling fit, putting the hard work in now so the training camp next month dosn't come as too much of a shock to the system.
The Riot Cop Judo Squad/Kidotai invited us to join them for a few Beers and Dinner tomorow evening at an all you can eat & drink buffet in town, which is well priced. It would be very rude to turn them down, so of course we will be in attendance.
Enshin Dojo has also been really good training lately, it's a great place to try some new technique's without getting thrown through the roof, aswell as improve your over all fitness and strength. Recently the Sensei's Daughter was promoted to Vice- Chairman of the All Japan Judo Referee's Comission - the first female to hold this position, its big news. She gifted to Tim, Lee and I all a copy of Kodokan Judo by Jigoro Kano. Very, very kind of her. Will make an effort to train there regularily on top of everything else as they are all good fun.
The homeless people in NZ should really take note of the hobbo's here, they have tidy little shacks out of the way along the river. Within these little shacks they usually have a table and chairs, a few couchs, a nice little futon bed and a chest of drawers. They occupy their days picking up rubbish that happens to float by to keep the area clean, fishing in the river to catch dinner and conversing with their cats. They even take their shoes off before entering their modest (but comfortable) shacks.
I was reading recently that Auckland City Council is looking of ways to clean up the homeless in Auckland before the Rugby World Cup so that Auckland looks like a slice of heaven. I hearby put it to the NZRU & ARC that they send a homeless emissary over to Kyoto to investigate and liase with the local Homeless population so as information can be gathered as to how they could emulate such an existance.
You can even say it was your idea!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Pictures from the Aquirium
Heres some of the pictures from the Osaka excursion, including the "Creepy Boy Band" picture which has gained so much notority thanks to our friends at

Here you can see your's truly washing his hair under a fresh mountain waterfall.

Just about to touch a shark, all in a days work for your NZ Judoka.

The famous "Creepy Boy Band Picture" recording for a fall release.

Just before leaving from Kyoto for Osaaakaaa.
A little known fast is that Uni Judo's own Yoshio hails from Osaka City, Nippon. What he thinks of us ruining his home city with our cheesy tourism, I am yet to know.

Here you can see your's truly washing his hair under a fresh mountain waterfall.

Just about to touch a shark, all in a days work for your NZ Judoka.

The famous "Creepy Boy Band Picture" recording for a fall release.

Just before leaving from Kyoto for Osaaakaaa.
A little known fast is that Uni Judo's own Yoshio hails from Osaka City, Nippon. What he thinks of us ruining his home city with our cheesy tourism, I am yet to know.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
The weekend just past was one of the best so far, Eiji from Western Judo came and saw us with his Mother. The weather was wretched, they took us to a buffet breakfast at their Hotel, it was awesome. We decided we would head over to Osaka and visit the Aquirium - we were a bit tight for time as we had to be back in Kyoto by 3pm to report for a special work assignment.
Eiji's mother went to get the car, and came back with a suprise for us all - some flash Yukata ( like a kimono) to give to our girlfriends/Sisters/Mums, it was a really really nice present we were all blown away by it. The drive to Osaka was quick as, went by in only 30 or 40 minutes, I didnt even know we had left Kyoto - theres no country side between cities its just one never ending urban jungle between separate CBD's. The Aquirium was awesome, its huge, Penguins, Otters, Sharks, Whales, Pirhanas; you name it theyr all taking a dip in that pool.
____ Pictures coming _____
After the Aquirium they treated us to a fantastic lunch at Melbourne house, an Australian Restaurant in Osaka. It was surreal having a steak with a VB, allmost felt like I was back home... or only 2,000 K's away from it.
So a big thank you to Eiji and his Mum for teating us to an awesome day, was one of the best days out so far.
Work assignment, we reported to Total Home Corp at 3pm for work, we were detailed to grating ginger in preparation for the noodles, then we set up shop in the arcade markets on Sanjo Dori.
Our job for the night was basicly wear a Male Yukata and yell "Idoshaii, Somen, Oishi!!!!!" over and over. And over and over. For around 4 hours.
The Japanese people shopping at the festival didnt know what to make of 3 Gaijin selling traditional noodles at one of their most of our time was spent fending off propositions and smiling in photos with the obligatory peace sign of course.
It was tough work but not many people back home can say they have done something like that so it was a good experience. We even got paid! After work we got treated to Dinner and an ice cold Asahi so it was worth it.
Ritsumeikan went well at the ALL Japan Uni games, the girls got a 5th and I think the men got 8th. Not bad for All Japan thats for sure. The girls lost to Tokai (one of the tougest places on Earth no matter what you do) Rits won the first 2 against Tokai girls by Wazi-Ari (Half Score) Drew the middle fight and lost the next 2 by a Wazi-Ari and a Yuko so for the last fight they needed to draw or win and they would advance. Unfortunately Tokai's last fighter on the line was the current +78KG Japan Champion and member of the Japanese Judo Team.
The guys also fell to Tokai at the Quater's by 7 Ippons ( full score) Ritsumeikan produces great -66, -73 and -81 Kg fighters (Light, Welter and Middle Weights) wheras Tokai has some really big boys, I heard the team was all +100 KG exept for one of they players.
A really good effort by both the girls and the boys though, they both won their way to the Sunday matches by winning their fights on Saturday.
On August 5th I'm attending a training camp with Ritsumeikan University in another city with a few other University squads, it promises to be the hardest training Iv ever had but when I get through it I'm going to be at another level again so I'm really looking forward to getting there and working through it. The Rits guys plan to get there by ferry as its cheaper than catching a train or driving so it should be an interesting way to travel...
Will have more details about it tonight when they are passed to me, at this point I just know its a training camp with a few Uni's, its going to be hard and that its a good opportunity.
Sensei Rick is arriving in a week or so, he can help us appropriate more bikes as mine was recently stolen and the other two are beyond repair at this stage. Tim's somewhat an expert in bike repair and even he cant fix it.
Eiji's mother went to get the car, and came back with a suprise for us all - some flash Yukata ( like a kimono) to give to our girlfriends/Sisters/Mums, it was a really really nice present we were all blown away by it. The drive to Osaka was quick as, went by in only 30 or 40 minutes, I didnt even know we had left Kyoto - theres no country side between cities its just one never ending urban jungle between separate CBD's. The Aquirium was awesome, its huge, Penguins, Otters, Sharks, Whales, Pirhanas; you name it theyr all taking a dip in that pool.
____ Pictures coming _____
After the Aquirium they treated us to a fantastic lunch at Melbourne house, an Australian Restaurant in Osaka. It was surreal having a steak with a VB, allmost felt like I was back home... or only 2,000 K's away from it.
So a big thank you to Eiji and his Mum for teating us to an awesome day, was one of the best days out so far.
Work assignment, we reported to Total Home Corp at 3pm for work, we were detailed to grating ginger in preparation for the noodles, then we set up shop in the arcade markets on Sanjo Dori.
Our job for the night was basicly wear a Male Yukata and yell "Idoshaii, Somen, Oishi!!!!!" over and over. And over and over. For around 4 hours.
The Japanese people shopping at the festival didnt know what to make of 3 Gaijin selling traditional noodles at one of their most of our time was spent fending off propositions and smiling in photos with the obligatory peace sign of course.
It was tough work but not many people back home can say they have done something like that so it was a good experience. We even got paid! After work we got treated to Dinner and an ice cold Asahi so it was worth it.
Ritsumeikan went well at the ALL Japan Uni games, the girls got a 5th and I think the men got 8th. Not bad for All Japan thats for sure. The girls lost to Tokai (one of the tougest places on Earth no matter what you do) Rits won the first 2 against Tokai girls by Wazi-Ari (Half Score) Drew the middle fight and lost the next 2 by a Wazi-Ari and a Yuko so for the last fight they needed to draw or win and they would advance. Unfortunately Tokai's last fighter on the line was the current +78KG Japan Champion and member of the Japanese Judo Team.
The guys also fell to Tokai at the Quater's by 7 Ippons ( full score) Ritsumeikan produces great -66, -73 and -81 Kg fighters (Light, Welter and Middle Weights) wheras Tokai has some really big boys, I heard the team was all +100 KG exept for one of they players.
A really good effort by both the girls and the boys though, they both won their way to the Sunday matches by winning their fights on Saturday.
On August 5th I'm attending a training camp with Ritsumeikan University in another city with a few other University squads, it promises to be the hardest training Iv ever had but when I get through it I'm going to be at another level again so I'm really looking forward to getting there and working through it. The Rits guys plan to get there by ferry as its cheaper than catching a train or driving so it should be an interesting way to travel...
Will have more details about it tonight when they are passed to me, at this point I just know its a training camp with a few Uni's, its going to be hard and that its a good opportunity.
Sensei Rick is arriving in a week or so, he can help us appropriate more bikes as mine was recently stolen and the other two are beyond repair at this stage. Tim's somewhat an expert in bike repair and even he cant fix it.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
As far as the most boring week is considered, its actually not that boring.
Have been lone wolfing it to training at Enshin Dojo plus training daily at the gym with Lee so keeping busy and active.
You have to keep active here or you might lose your grip on reality.
I think without Skype I would go insane aswell hah..
Training last night at Enshin Dojo...where to start, Wow.
Enshin Dojo sure was a good measuring stick for me just like Kyodai, last time I was there I didnt fare badly against their local guns but I didnt fare greatly. Last night after a month between my last visit there and now I was managing to throw the guys, without too much effort aswell, mainly through better grips and cleaner , faster technique. Its really good to see improvement here because sometimes after a few weeks of being bashed over and over you doubt if your getting anywhere,.of course you are.
The guys at Enshin Judo are really friendly guys with a pretty social approach to the sport, they compete but they dont let it consume their lives.
The humidity has just reached untold of levels lately, my vision was literally swimming at training last night from the heat, I felt like I was in an oven. On the ride home I had to stop and sit down for a bit because I felt like I was going to pass out haha. In two weeks its going to be summer proper but the rainy season will ever over, cant wait for some sunny weather. Good training though. Really enjoyed it.
Have been lone wolfing it to training at Enshin Dojo plus training daily at the gym with Lee so keeping busy and active.
You have to keep active here or you might lose your grip on reality.
I think without Skype I would go insane aswell hah..
Training last night at Enshin Dojo...where to start, Wow.
Enshin Dojo sure was a good measuring stick for me just like Kyodai, last time I was there I didnt fare badly against their local guns but I didnt fare greatly. Last night after a month between my last visit there and now I was managing to throw the guys, without too much effort aswell, mainly through better grips and cleaner , faster technique. Its really good to see improvement here because sometimes after a few weeks of being bashed over and over you doubt if your getting anywhere,.of course you are.
The guys at Enshin Judo are really friendly guys with a pretty social approach to the sport, they compete but they dont let it consume their lives.
The humidity has just reached untold of levels lately, my vision was literally swimming at training last night from the heat, I felt like I was in an oven. On the ride home I had to stop and sit down for a bit because I felt like I was going to pass out haha. In two weeks its going to be summer proper but the rainy season will ever over, cant wait for some sunny weather. Good training though. Really enjoyed it.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The most boring week ever
It's looking like this week is going to be a boring one, I went to the Police Judo in the morning and we were informed that they are taking a week off because they had a big competition on the weekend just gone, this unfortunately coincides with the Ritsumeikan Judo team taking a week or so off for the same reason + exams.
So what are we going to do this week? Well, Lee & I are hitting the gym each day to put a bit more power on still, Tim is making a good effort running each day. Alot of house work is suddenly being done (including laundry). This Saturday we are working for Aoki San selling noodles for this festival, which will be really weird - all the Japanese people are going to be so suprised seeing a little stall with 3 white men selling noodles. Should be cool.
I have set myself this challenge this week of living on 1000 Yen a day, 2 days in its going good but I'm missing my iced coffee & penguin. The 1000 Yen challenge works out to be roughly 12 dollars in NZ D's so thats for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Robert Levy from the AK/Uni Club was kind enough to go out of his way recently to send me some circuits to use closer to competitions, to help physically peak - aswell as giving me some good advise regarding all things Judo. Cheers Rob.
Also this Saturdau Eji from Western Judo Academy is visiting us in Kyoto for one day only, Lee is planning a Man-Date for all of us to go see some Monkeys, as all guys love monkeys.
Both the other boys have popped their tyres recently which is funny, my bike is this pink thing that cranks, chings and changs as I ride it barely holding together but it seems to be outlasting the other guys flashier new bikes enduro wise. I have some modifications planned for Pinkie, including a low-rider seat, a new paint job , custom mirrors and high rider - monkey bar handle bars. All courtesy of people who leave their bikes lying around the street in Kyoto. Much appreciated.
We are still able to get a few Judo trainings in this week at Enshin Dojo which is a small local Dojo, shaped like a bus; long and narrow. It has the imprints of human bodies in the wood paneling from Judoka being expertly tossed into the wall by their betters.
So what are we going to do this week? Well, Lee & I are hitting the gym each day to put a bit more power on still, Tim is making a good effort running each day. Alot of house work is suddenly being done (including laundry). This Saturday we are working for Aoki San selling noodles for this festival, which will be really weird - all the Japanese people are going to be so suprised seeing a little stall with 3 white men selling noodles. Should be cool.
I have set myself this challenge this week of living on 1000 Yen a day, 2 days in its going good but I'm missing my iced coffee & penguin. The 1000 Yen challenge works out to be roughly 12 dollars in NZ D's so thats for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Robert Levy from the AK/Uni Club was kind enough to go out of his way recently to send me some circuits to use closer to competitions, to help physically peak - aswell as giving me some good advise regarding all things Judo. Cheers Rob.
Also this Saturdau Eji from Western Judo Academy is visiting us in Kyoto for one day only, Lee is planning a Man-Date for all of us to go see some Monkeys, as all guys love monkeys.
Both the other boys have popped their tyres recently which is funny, my bike is this pink thing that cranks, chings and changs as I ride it barely holding together but it seems to be outlasting the other guys flashier new bikes enduro wise. I have some modifications planned for Pinkie, including a low-rider seat, a new paint job , custom mirrors and high rider - monkey bar handle bars. All courtesy of people who leave their bikes lying around the street in Kyoto. Much appreciated.
We are still able to get a few Judo trainings in this week at Enshin Dojo which is a small local Dojo, shaped like a bus; long and narrow. It has the imprints of human bodies in the wood paneling from Judoka being expertly tossed into the wall by their betters.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sorry to all for being slow to update over the last week, have been busy and also not a whole lot of interesting things have happened around here out of the usual routine.
The weeks highlights being:
*Accidently running over a snake on my way to Judo along the side of the river, I wasnt paying attention and only noticed it when it hissed and lunged at me from under my bike. For the record it was not toxic and the snake was unharmed in the making on this ancidote.
*Us all turning up to Rits for training on Monday, without being aware it was a rest day for them, Lee and I noticed no one was there but Tim had allready gotten changed into his Gi and came marching out ready for Judo. Was funnier as a whole lot of people laughed and advised him no judo today.
*Tim crashing his bike at an intersection with a young school kid, Tim falling to the ground in a heap with his bike in slow motion. Both parties where uninjured.
*Lee is currently working doing filing work for Aoki San
*I have a bad cold/flu today, not sure how I managed to get one in super hott kyoto..
*The Ritsumeikan Judo team leave for Tokyo on Friday for the All Japan Teams, I hope they go well and they probably will.
My body is still holding up surprisingly well, its very sore and tender but it still works the way its supposed to so no complaints there.
I'm happy I'm here and not in NZ, since the weather there is supposedly super cold right now, if I'm lucky I'm going to entirely skip winter this year.
I found a new cheap local eatery where you buy a ticket from a vending machine which you then give to the staff who will then make the corresponding dish/dishes. Its cheap-as and fulling. I got myself a large curry, Bowl of rice and egg, Miso Soup, Chicken cutlets, small pudding and a bit of fish for around 900 Yen (10 Dollars NZ) Great deal, would trade again.
My mate Richie has just started Judo at the AK/Uni club back home aswell, he seems to be enjoying it so far - so if you see him on the mat please go out of your way to smash him extra hard :) He's my second mate to have started Judo recently, with Tom having started about 2 months ago, Richies number 1 goal right now being to beat Tom.
He's off to buy his first crisp whitebelt from AMAS (Auckland Martial Art Supplies) who are famed for their extra-ordinary customer service.
Hugo Dewar from Wellington Judo has been awarded an A Level Judo Scholarship by Sensei Rick Littlewoord & The Auckland University Judo Club for $6,000 NZD's to live and train with us here in Kyoto (Same deal as Lee & I's). He should be arriving sometime in the next 2 weeks so if you see him around please congratulate him with a friendly ( or not so friendly) choke, strangle, arm-bar or throw.
The weeks highlights being:
*Accidently running over a snake on my way to Judo along the side of the river, I wasnt paying attention and only noticed it when it hissed and lunged at me from under my bike. For the record it was not toxic and the snake was unharmed in the making on this ancidote.
*Us all turning up to Rits for training on Monday, without being aware it was a rest day for them, Lee and I noticed no one was there but Tim had allready gotten changed into his Gi and came marching out ready for Judo. Was funnier as a whole lot of people laughed and advised him no judo today.
*Tim crashing his bike at an intersection with a young school kid, Tim falling to the ground in a heap with his bike in slow motion. Both parties where uninjured.
*Lee is currently working doing filing work for Aoki San
*I have a bad cold/flu today, not sure how I managed to get one in super hott kyoto..
*The Ritsumeikan Judo team leave for Tokyo on Friday for the All Japan Teams, I hope they go well and they probably will.
My body is still holding up surprisingly well, its very sore and tender but it still works the way its supposed to so no complaints there.
I'm happy I'm here and not in NZ, since the weather there is supposedly super cold right now, if I'm lucky I'm going to entirely skip winter this year.
I found a new cheap local eatery where you buy a ticket from a vending machine which you then give to the staff who will then make the corresponding dish/dishes. Its cheap-as and fulling. I got myself a large curry, Bowl of rice and egg, Miso Soup, Chicken cutlets, small pudding and a bit of fish for around 900 Yen (10 Dollars NZ) Great deal, would trade again.
My mate Richie has just started Judo at the AK/Uni club back home aswell, he seems to be enjoying it so far - so if you see him on the mat please go out of your way to smash him extra hard :) He's my second mate to have started Judo recently, with Tom having started about 2 months ago, Richies number 1 goal right now being to beat Tom.
He's off to buy his first crisp whitebelt from AMAS (Auckland Martial Art Supplies) who are famed for their extra-ordinary customer service.
Hugo Dewar from Wellington Judo has been awarded an A Level Judo Scholarship by Sensei Rick Littlewoord & The Auckland University Judo Club for $6,000 NZD's to live and train with us here in Kyoto (Same deal as Lee & I's). He should be arriving sometime in the next 2 weeks so if you see him around please congratulate him with a friendly ( or not so friendly) choke, strangle, arm-bar or throw.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Coming this week:
I decided on the weekend to draw myself up a training timetable this week coming so I can keep a better record of what I'm doing over a week.
It goes basicly like this :
Monday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Tuesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Enshin Dojo Judo
Wednesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Thursday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Rest. Night - Ritsumeikan Judo
Friday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening Ritsumeikan Judo.
Saturday: Morning - Kyoto University Judo (Newaza Day)
Sunday: Morning, Evening, Night - Zzzzzzz ZZZzzzzz ZZzzzzz
Really pushing the training this week as next week the Universitys go on study break from Judo after the All Japan University Competition, we can make up for this by doing another Police Judo in the Afternoons which is Newaza (Ground Fighting) Intensive so that will be good in its own way.
So thats my plan for the week, by Sunday I'm going to be a broken shell of a man again but its pretty rewarding getting through a training week and going back the next week for another dosage of it.
It goes basicly like this :
Monday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Tuesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Enshin Dojo Judo
Wednesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Thursday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Rest. Night - Ritsumeikan Judo
Friday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening Ritsumeikan Judo.
Saturday: Morning - Kyoto University Judo (Newaza Day)
Sunday: Morning, Evening, Night - Zzzzzzz ZZZzzzzz ZZzzzzz
Really pushing the training this week as next week the Universitys go on study break from Judo after the All Japan University Competition, we can make up for this by doing another Police Judo in the Afternoons which is Newaza (Ground Fighting) Intensive so that will be good in its own way.
So thats my plan for the week, by Sunday I'm going to be a broken shell of a man again but its pretty rewarding getting through a training week and going back the next week for another dosage of it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
How to efficiently cut weight in 2 days!

(The Riot Police Judo Dojo & Training Facility)
The occupants of Kiwi House are currently being ravaged by some sort of stomach bug. Fortunately for me I suffered it over the weekend when there was no Judo so was back on my feet to kick off on Monday morning back into the routine.
After being sick for a couple of days I felt as weak as a newborn baby at training, which figures as when I weighed myself after training I was at an all time low of 74.2 Kilograms, down from my usual 77-79 bracket.
Feeling alot better now and putting my weight back on which is good, Lee seems to have had the worst of it and is still recovering from his bout of illness.
Not sure if it was food poisoning or a belly bug, Lee & I have been cooking chicken recently and its rather possible our hunger got in the way of it being cooked as thoroughly as it should have.
Tim has dodged a bullet having opted to place his trust in cold bento boxes when it comes to dinner and not with somanela infested chicken.

(View from the roof of our place)
I have recieved my first Judo Scholarship payment which is good news, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rick Littlewood, Dave Mair , The Auckland University Judo Club and everybody else who has helped me out. I'm doing my best to make sure I'm worth every penny. Without this, I would still be at home in NZ, training just 4/5 times a week. It just dosnt compare. Thanks again.
Of late I have been thinking about what I'm going to do when I get back, I think this trip is going to help me build alot of momentum with Judo and if I slow down when I get back and launch into a career etc I could easily lose that snowballing momentum I have going for me right now, which is what I want to avoid. We will see what happens . One thing I really want to get involved with is promoting Judo & getting more people into it in NZ, I'm thinking about developing a Judo Programme with my old High School via the Uni Judo Club which could do with a healthy injection of Cadets at the same time. Food for thought anyway.
Training is going great, things are clicking, things are working, and I'm learning and adapting all the time and my conditioning & power is currently the best its been in my whole life X100. Its a great feeling, of course there are days when NOTHING works and you get smashed but its just perseverence. Everyone has a bad day at the office.

(Haha, thats one way to get around.)
We have all been avidly watching the Football World Cup over the last few days, right now the All Whites are playing. Bad news is that the ONLY GAME that the Japanese broadcasters decided not to play on T.V is this one. I would venture to suggest it is because Japan is in victory mode having won their first game last night and thus are playing replay clips of their win as opposed to the All Whites WorldCup debut.
Sorry guys, we tried.
All for now,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Lazy Sunday
And so another week has rather eventfully passed by in the blink of an eye.
This week just past was perhaps one of my favourite weeks here in Japan so far, my body dosnt hurt as much as usual, I dont get half as gassed(modernisation of 'puffed out/knackered') from Judo as I did earlier, all in all I think my body has finally caught up with my sure took a while doing so though.
You know how you allways here commentators in the Olympics, title boxing matches, kickboxing fights and so forth comment on the heart of the fighter/athlete and how important it is, that something I never really paid much attention too, thinking it all came down to just physical conditioning & skill base. Not true.
Over here I often find myself with literally nothing left, my throat burns, my arms are burning full of lactic acid, I cant replace my air fast enough and theres still 8 minutes on the clock and another 5 Randori's (sparring sessions) to go. Its a hell of mental battle.
In short I now know that having heart & being mentally as tough as steel is not just important, its crucial. Theres allways that point in a fight at a competition, when yourv allready gone through 5 fights to get there and you have nothing. I think the best feeling in judo is when I get to that point and emerge on top.
Saturday morning at Rits is a Newaza(ground fighting, you should all know this by now...) day, I look forward to it all week because we don't actually get so much Newaza in over here - the focuss is generally 70-80 % Tachiwaza (standing fighting) due to IJF Olympic rules making it much easier to win up top than down on the ground.
Rules or not, I love Newaza as much as Tachiwaza and manage to more than hold my own here most of the time on the ground due to AK/UNI Judo having a more 50/50 approach to Judo plus the Sensei's (sensei being ultimate coach/teacher) being Newaza experts.
I remember Rick Sensei telling me about when he first came back from Japan to NZ to fight in the nationals and won with obscure submissions that at the time had never been seen in NZ before (Sankaku - for all you BJJ/MMA players its 'Triangle') and he actually had to show the judges that the move existed legally via a Judo book he brought with him from Japan. Times sure have changed.
After training yesterday we went for the Saturday run with the Rits Judo boys, 10 K's up steep winding mountain paths in 34 Degree heat after already doing Judo is bloody tough. But I felt really good and limber after it. We all must of lost about a kg or 2 in fluids during that mountain assault. The boys & girls at Rits are preparing for the 'All - Japan Uni Judo Champs' which is just over a month away in Tokyo, us guys really want to go watch it live, but it probably costs a fair ammount to get there and lodge etc so we will probably be cheering the squad on as we watch it live on TV at home in Kyoto. I'm not sure how theyr going to do, the girls probably stand a good chance of placing but I feel the guys are going to do their best with the emphasis being on developing more competition experience. With all the world famous top Judo Uni's competing like Tokai & Tskuuba home of Olympic champions, National Champs etc its going to be a tough battle. Every dog has its day.
A few friends have been emailing "Jordan, write about more than just doing the Judo!!" sorry to disapoint but thats actually allmost all I do here. Judo, Judo, Judo, Gym, Run, Bike ride, Sleep" My one sin/vice here being in love with iced coffee...I'm not sure how im going to cope when I eventually get back home without it.
Update on Kiwis in Japan; Word is that a couple of extra Kiwi Judokas are in the process of getting ready to come here to train and live with us. Looking forward to them getting here, including our mate Hugo from Wellington Judo. We will know more about who, when and so forth in the coming weeks so watch this space. We will have to create some elaborate hazing ceremony for NZ Judoka living in the house. Sign your life away on the dotted line.
The NZ National training camp was on the weekend just past, being here I'm a bit gutted I didnt have the chance to compete in NZ so far this year and attend the camp and hope to catch the eyes on the NZ Team selectors as is the purpose of the camp, will probably have to wait until next year for that opportunity.
Take care
P.S - If someone could give me an update of how the competition & Camp went I would be interested to hear, also any news in general in NZJUDO is appreciated.
This week just past was perhaps one of my favourite weeks here in Japan so far, my body dosnt hurt as much as usual, I dont get half as gassed(modernisation of 'puffed out/knackered') from Judo as I did earlier, all in all I think my body has finally caught up with my sure took a while doing so though.
You know how you allways here commentators in the Olympics, title boxing matches, kickboxing fights and so forth comment on the heart of the fighter/athlete and how important it is, that something I never really paid much attention too, thinking it all came down to just physical conditioning & skill base. Not true.
Over here I often find myself with literally nothing left, my throat burns, my arms are burning full of lactic acid, I cant replace my air fast enough and theres still 8 minutes on the clock and another 5 Randori's (sparring sessions) to go. Its a hell of mental battle.
In short I now know that having heart & being mentally as tough as steel is not just important, its crucial. Theres allways that point in a fight at a competition, when yourv allready gone through 5 fights to get there and you have nothing. I think the best feeling in judo is when I get to that point and emerge on top.
Saturday morning at Rits is a Newaza(ground fighting, you should all know this by now...) day, I look forward to it all week because we don't actually get so much Newaza in over here - the focuss is generally 70-80 % Tachiwaza (standing fighting) due to IJF Olympic rules making it much easier to win up top than down on the ground.
Rules or not, I love Newaza as much as Tachiwaza and manage to more than hold my own here most of the time on the ground due to AK/UNI Judo having a more 50/50 approach to Judo plus the Sensei's (sensei being ultimate coach/teacher) being Newaza experts.
I remember Rick Sensei telling me about when he first came back from Japan to NZ to fight in the nationals and won with obscure submissions that at the time had never been seen in NZ before (Sankaku - for all you BJJ/MMA players its 'Triangle') and he actually had to show the judges that the move existed legally via a Judo book he brought with him from Japan. Times sure have changed.
After training yesterday we went for the Saturday run with the Rits Judo boys, 10 K's up steep winding mountain paths in 34 Degree heat after already doing Judo is bloody tough. But I felt really good and limber after it. We all must of lost about a kg or 2 in fluids during that mountain assault. The boys & girls at Rits are preparing for the 'All - Japan Uni Judo Champs' which is just over a month away in Tokyo, us guys really want to go watch it live, but it probably costs a fair ammount to get there and lodge etc so we will probably be cheering the squad on as we watch it live on TV at home in Kyoto. I'm not sure how theyr going to do, the girls probably stand a good chance of placing but I feel the guys are going to do their best with the emphasis being on developing more competition experience. With all the world famous top Judo Uni's competing like Tokai & Tskuuba home of Olympic champions, National Champs etc its going to be a tough battle. Every dog has its day.
A few friends have been emailing "Jordan, write about more than just doing the Judo!!" sorry to disapoint but thats actually allmost all I do here. Judo, Judo, Judo, Gym, Run, Bike ride, Sleep" My one sin/vice here being in love with iced coffee...I'm not sure how im going to cope when I eventually get back home without it.
Update on Kiwis in Japan; Word is that a couple of extra Kiwi Judokas are in the process of getting ready to come here to train and live with us. Looking forward to them getting here, including our mate Hugo from Wellington Judo. We will know more about who, when and so forth in the coming weeks so watch this space. We will have to create some elaborate hazing ceremony for NZ Judoka living in the house. Sign your life away on the dotted line.
The NZ National training camp was on the weekend just past, being here I'm a bit gutted I didnt have the chance to compete in NZ so far this year and attend the camp and hope to catch the eyes on the NZ Team selectors as is the purpose of the camp, will probably have to wait until next year for that opportunity.
Take care
P.S - If someone could give me an update of how the competition & Camp went I would be interested to hear, also any news in general in NZJUDO is appreciated.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
While I have lost exact track of time I have been here I think this is my 7th week training here. I'm pretty happy with how its all holding up - we are all training twice per day 6 days a week putting everything we have into it.
This trip is a really big deal for all of us, as we have put our whole lives on hold back in NZ for us to have this opportunity to do Judo at this level hopefully giving us the skills we need to chase our dreams in Judo further.
Personally I planned to go to University this year if I hadnt came here to train, while I feel its important to study & prepare for my future I love doing Judo just too much to pass on this opportunity to pursue Judo like this. I dont regret it.
Its definatly a different way to experience Japan, most people we meet spend everyday sight seeing, enjoying fine food and so forth. By contrast we spend our days either doing Judo or commuting between Judo trainings. Most of the people we meet think we are slightly crazy, and...maybe we are.
Example, today I feel like I have been hit by a train, then had it reverse back over me to finish the job, but yesterday I threw someone with Uchi-mata something I have never done even back in NZ so I think its worth it.
There is one Judoka freshman at Ritsumeikan Uni Judo that was on the Japanese Cadet team when he was younger having achieved 4th in Japan at a competition. His Judo is insanely good, as soon as I get a grip he peels it off just by moving his body backwards (his Gi is like sandpaper) and once he has taken a hold of my sleeve its like its locked in a vicegrip. I'm trying to work out exactly what it is that he does so I can attempt to emulate it.
This Sunday we are thinking about going up the river as there is said to be a spot known to be good for swimming, so if the weather decides to behave it should be good.
This trip is a really big deal for all of us, as we have put our whole lives on hold back in NZ for us to have this opportunity to do Judo at this level hopefully giving us the skills we need to chase our dreams in Judo further.
Personally I planned to go to University this year if I hadnt came here to train, while I feel its important to study & prepare for my future I love doing Judo just too much to pass on this opportunity to pursue Judo like this. I dont regret it.
Its definatly a different way to experience Japan, most people we meet spend everyday sight seeing, enjoying fine food and so forth. By contrast we spend our days either doing Judo or commuting between Judo trainings. Most of the people we meet think we are slightly crazy, and...maybe we are.
Example, today I feel like I have been hit by a train, then had it reverse back over me to finish the job, but yesterday I threw someone with Uchi-mata something I have never done even back in NZ so I think its worth it.
There is one Judoka freshman at Ritsumeikan Uni Judo that was on the Japanese Cadet team when he was younger having achieved 4th in Japan at a competition. His Judo is insanely good, as soon as I get a grip he peels it off just by moving his body backwards (his Gi is like sandpaper) and once he has taken a hold of my sleeve its like its locked in a vicegrip. I'm trying to work out exactly what it is that he does so I can attempt to emulate it.
This Sunday we are thinking about going up the river as there is said to be a spot known to be good for swimming, so if the weather decides to behave it should be good.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Martial Arts Marketing 101

Considering giving up Judo for the more financialy lucrative Ninja...
Plus the uniform looks so much cooler, I'm sure they will let me put patches all over it, wear it in any colour/combination of colours. Relaxed Gi requirments = more customers oops I mean practicioners. Or so I was told by an 11th Dan Ninjitsu/Brazilian JJ/Karate Grand master.

So, I like Adidas just a little bit. Thanks Adidas. Buy Adidas.

As I was sharply (and rightly so) berated by my dearest Mother over Skype for not elevating her to celebraty status via my blog for her heroic accomplishment of sending me a fully equiped care package last week...its actually an awesome package, helps me cling onto the last vestige of my sanity just that little bit longer.
Thanks Mum :)
love you
All for now... some interesting things in the pipeline this week so should have an interesting blabber later this week.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Videos : Koga & Judo in MMA
This vid is of Koga, who recently visited Rits Judo just before we started training there: He has an Olympic Gold from Barcelon & Silver from Atlanta to his name, plus 3 World Championship Golds. He is best known for his Seoi-Nage (shoulder throw) as you can see him destroying his opponents with in the video.
This Video features Shinya Aoki, this guy is one of my favourite Judo fighters in MMA. Period.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Wall
The week is nearly over allready but it still feels like its Monday, sometimes the days here just blur into each other.
Lately things have been pretty good, after our hazing period of a couple of weeks the Kidotai/Riot Police Judo team have accepted us into their ranks and are suddenly really friendly and helping us out a bit with our Judo. This coincides nicely with me figuring a few things out and starting to play alot better all of a sudden.
Today the Kyoto Riot Police Judo team had a team fight against a Riot Squad from a neighbouring prefecture, each team putting forth 1 fighter for each weight category starting at -66 and going to +100's. We were able to watch from our teams side which was cool, the fights were really good to watch, these guys all have pace and go at it with 100% for the whole fight. There werent many big ippon throws, our side won over all, mostly through Hold downs, Small points and penalties to the opposition. While it wasnt dramaticly exiting it was still good to watch especially their grip fighting & posturing for a dominant position. Our side didnt actually put forth their strongest team as alot of the toughest guys are injured or preparing for a big competition.
After the competition we did just 6 rounds of randori(sparring) because the guys were probably a bit knackered from the competition. The K1 Muscle man has returned recently (I think he trains out of a neighbouring prefecture riot squad that comes over regularily for training camps) In the last couple of weeks he has improved heaps, he fights like a mad man and uses all these throws and pick ups that look like something in pro wrestling. He actually tried to Toombstone me.
Yesterday after training in the morning (16 rounds of randori) which were really grueling and ego destroying. I probably only got one or two throws in the whole time, the other guys were feeling much the same. We more or less felt like we had hit a wall with our training and stagnating, just going in and getting smashed and being helpless like a beginner. I think it was more an issue of over training or just not enough recovery time since we have been arriving at training feeling like we allready have trained and allways running on empty.
So after training we went to lunch at a neighbouring Universitys cafeteria with Bill Vincent who had came along & a couple of guys from the Kidotai, one of whom took some time a year or so ago to teach Judo in Australia for a few weeks. While he wasnt overly impressed with Australian Judo he felt that the Australian women more than made up for this. Yoskie, one of the riot cops that came along used to attend the University and train Judo there, so he called one of his Kohai (Judo Junior/Slave) from the university and got him to meet him to give him his cafeteria discount card, I cant wait to get some Kohai to run around for me...I'll have to train my brother cameron to behave in this manner upon my return. Everytime he refuses and order I'll choke him out and he will revive to see me waiting there patiently for my task to be carried out. Bill picked up the bill for lunch which was really good of him and much appreciated.
After lunch we felt really burnt out still from training so decided to take the afternoon off to recover a bit, I hate not going to a training but we were all on less than empty energy wise so it was the smart thing to do. Seeing how I trained really well this morning and felt more powerfull than I have in weeks it was definatly the best choice.
Tonight after training I think we are going to dinner with Kasuga Sensei and the Rits Judo team. Recently Rits High School has been training with us as a training camp for them so the dinner may be something to do with them surviving it.
Getting Lee to upload his Digital Camera pictures soon so will post them all.
Lately things have been pretty good, after our hazing period of a couple of weeks the Kidotai/Riot Police Judo team have accepted us into their ranks and are suddenly really friendly and helping us out a bit with our Judo. This coincides nicely with me figuring a few things out and starting to play alot better all of a sudden.
Today the Kyoto Riot Police Judo team had a team fight against a Riot Squad from a neighbouring prefecture, each team putting forth 1 fighter for each weight category starting at -66 and going to +100's. We were able to watch from our teams side which was cool, the fights were really good to watch, these guys all have pace and go at it with 100% for the whole fight. There werent many big ippon throws, our side won over all, mostly through Hold downs, Small points and penalties to the opposition. While it wasnt dramaticly exiting it was still good to watch especially their grip fighting & posturing for a dominant position. Our side didnt actually put forth their strongest team as alot of the toughest guys are injured or preparing for a big competition.
After the competition we did just 6 rounds of randori(sparring) because the guys were probably a bit knackered from the competition. The K1 Muscle man has returned recently (I think he trains out of a neighbouring prefecture riot squad that comes over regularily for training camps) In the last couple of weeks he has improved heaps, he fights like a mad man and uses all these throws and pick ups that look like something in pro wrestling. He actually tried to Toombstone me.
Yesterday after training in the morning (16 rounds of randori) which were really grueling and ego destroying. I probably only got one or two throws in the whole time, the other guys were feeling much the same. We more or less felt like we had hit a wall with our training and stagnating, just going in and getting smashed and being helpless like a beginner. I think it was more an issue of over training or just not enough recovery time since we have been arriving at training feeling like we allready have trained and allways running on empty.
So after training we went to lunch at a neighbouring Universitys cafeteria with Bill Vincent who had came along & a couple of guys from the Kidotai, one of whom took some time a year or so ago to teach Judo in Australia for a few weeks. While he wasnt overly impressed with Australian Judo he felt that the Australian women more than made up for this. Yoskie, one of the riot cops that came along used to attend the University and train Judo there, so he called one of his Kohai (Judo Junior/Slave) from the university and got him to meet him to give him his cafeteria discount card, I cant wait to get some Kohai to run around for me...I'll have to train my brother cameron to behave in this manner upon my return. Everytime he refuses and order I'll choke him out and he will revive to see me waiting there patiently for my task to be carried out. Bill picked up the bill for lunch which was really good of him and much appreciated.
After lunch we felt really burnt out still from training so decided to take the afternoon off to recover a bit, I hate not going to a training but we were all on less than empty energy wise so it was the smart thing to do. Seeing how I trained really well this morning and felt more powerfull than I have in weeks it was definatly the best choice.
Tonight after training I think we are going to dinner with Kasuga Sensei and the Rits Judo team. Recently Rits High School has been training with us as a training camp for them so the dinner may be something to do with them surviving it.
Getting Lee to upload his Digital Camera pictures soon so will post them all.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Flashing lights

(Kyoto Tower)
Things have slowed down a bit recently, not in terms of how much we train or the intensity of it all, just nothing much going on when we arent training right now. We have more or less settled into a bit of a daily routine now. Routines are comfortable, but im 12,000 K's from home so I dont want to get comfortable I want to stay on the edge! haha.
It goes something like this. 0730 - I wake up, go downstairs half asleep and make some toast, cofee and have a bannana + 1 litre of water. Tim's usually next down around 0745 and Lee at 0800. After breakfast I spend an hour pacing around the house, packing a gi into my bag, filling water bottles and have a quick shower(which is our of order now :( !) Before I know it 0900 rolls around and its suddenly a change in pace to a mad rush for the door to get out and on our bikes. Someone allways without fail forgets something so we generally get moving around 10 past. Its a bit of a trek/cycle to the Kidotai training compound. We generally arrive around 1010 giving us 20 minutes to get changed, cut our nails and do some light stretching.
The Riot Police Judo training is a simple & effective structure. 15 minutes of stretching, 15 minutes of Uchikomi (repeatative practice of a throw, taking your partner to the point of throwing - this builds muscle memory) then an hour of Randori (free sparring) in 5 minute rounds.
After training we do another stretch and get back on our bikes after using their nice showers and get back home...usually by 1300.
At this point we have 2 hours to sit around, read love letters from female fans back home, do some shopping and take a nap.
And once again, before I know it 1500 is here and its time to get going again, usually with a nice clean, dry Gi. Logisticly this is not allways possible but we do endevour to make this happen.
Hoon along at top speed to Rits University for training, I like getting there 30 minutes early so I can have a quick shower, get changed slowely and chat a bit. We start training at 1600 - the structure here is a bit fluid, with Kasuga Sensei changing it occasionaly. Last night it was 1 hour Newaza Randori (ground fighting) 1 hour tachiwaza (standing fighting) then 30 minutes of throwing drills...which hurt!
After this is all wound up its around 1900 so Lee, Tim & I take 20 minutes to have some water and refresh before hitting Rits nice Gym. The Judo guys come in around the same time and go through these insane circuits, we are working on a different programme here more on putting a bit more power but after a month or 2 will transition into their programme.
2030, feeling really nicely wasted I go home and fall into my bed, after I take it out of storage and unfold it and make it. Zzzz Zzzz Zzz, Alarm goes off. Repeat.
When we have a bit of spare time I like to get out and mix things up a bit so that I dont go crazy doing the same old thing everyday, on sunday it was a really nice sunny day so Lee & I headed down to the river and had a bit of a swim in the centre of town. The water wasnt all that deep but it was nice to splash around and kick back on the river bank in the sun. Some Uni Students making a raft ( which failed miserably) kicked back alongside us and practiced their not so bad but not so good english on us. This coming Sunday we have promised Tim we will go to the local Irish Pub and get a good pub meal of steak and a pint of Guiness...suprisingly it didnt take much encouragement to get me onboard for this.

(Shimei Shaggers)
This morning we turned up at the Kidotai Compound but no one was training, infact no one was there. We were weirded out. Judo is allways on everymorning. "OK, Oh damn we will have to take a rest morning, oh thats the worst thing!" We were saying, while thinking "Oh this is kinda awesome, I'm going back to bed!!" Before we could make a move one of the Riot Cop Judo players came in wearing his running gear saying today they are doing mountain training, and hey! why not you guys come along!! Awesome, sounds interesting.
So we get running with the Squad up this huge mountain covered in forest but with paths and shrines through it, only problem being the fact I decided to wear walking shoes and no socks this morning...this is gonna be painfull. 5 K's later and 1000 Meters higher, yeah this is now pretty painfull I have some wicked blisters growing on my feet, bigger with every step. Tim & Lee with their nice running shoes were feeling good though and up ahead of the squad. When my feet felt like they were about to fall off one of Cops caught upto me and said the finish is just around the corner so I gassed it as fast as I could so I could beat the main pack. Phew.
I took my shoes off and sure enough I have some pretty blisters on my feet. Nothing too raw so I can still train with a bit of tape tonight.

(Relax'in area on the roof)
Word is that the Uni Judo Club is averaging 20 on the Mat on Saturdays, which is pretty cool. Not as good as 60 on the mat here 6 days a week! But still really good.
Also Sensei Ricks operation back in NZ was a success so he will be recovered and back on the mat in 6 weeks or so which is great news.
Bill Vincent is still over here and plans to train with us tomorow morning at the Kidotai, which will be good - hopefully can get a few more pointers from him regarding a few bits of my game I was honed before my competition in a couple of weeks.
Anyway, everything is going well & I'm still enjoying the training and thinkg I'm making some progress so all is as it should be. I'm loving it all
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What is Judo,
I know a few of my friends & family arent to sure how Judo works, so heres a really basic run down below.
For those of you that are in the know, enjoy the highlight reels.
This video mostly shows Tachiwaza, which is the standing part of the fight.
The aim here is to throw your opponent flat on his back for Ippon (Perfect score - Instant Win) If you throw him but not with a clean, powerfull throw you may get a smaller point such as Wazari (Half Score) or Yuko (1 point, more of a tie breaker)
From scoring a smaller point you have the option of continuing the fight on the ground with Newaza (see below video & description) or standing back up to continue the fight up top, if your opponent lets you that is.
This video shows Newaza, which is the groundfighting part of Judo.
The aim here is to win either by A) Pinning your opponent flat on his back for 25 seconds B)Forcing him to 'tapout' submit to an Armbar C) Force him to Tapout/Sumbit to a Choke or Strangle, and if hes not co-operative render him unconscious.
Note: If the ref feels the fight on the ground is stagnent with neither party making progress he will stand the fight back up.
For those of you that are in the know, enjoy the highlight reels.
This video mostly shows Tachiwaza, which is the standing part of the fight.
The aim here is to throw your opponent flat on his back for Ippon (Perfect score - Instant Win) If you throw him but not with a clean, powerfull throw you may get a smaller point such as Wazari (Half Score) or Yuko (1 point, more of a tie breaker)
From scoring a smaller point you have the option of continuing the fight on the ground with Newaza (see below video & description) or standing back up to continue the fight up top, if your opponent lets you that is.
This video shows Newaza, which is the groundfighting part of Judo.
The aim here is to win either by A) Pinning your opponent flat on his back for 25 seconds B)Forcing him to 'tapout' submit to an Armbar C) Force him to Tapout/Sumbit to a Choke or Strangle, and if hes not co-operative render him unconscious.
Note: If the ref feels the fight on the ground is stagnent with neither party making progress he will stand the fight back up.
1 Month Down

(Unrelated but awesome picture)
Have now been here for 1 Month, not sure how many more I'm here for but I'm looking at anything between 6-11 which is really vague but I work with what information I have. Initially I planned on being home for the Nationals but thats not too likely now but will play it by ear. I definatly don't think its worth coming back to NZ just for that one competition, but on the other hand I will want to test myself, the Auckland Internationals early next year is probably a better bet.
The last few days have been some of the toughest yet, but everything is still going good. We were invited by Matsura Sensei from the Kidotai Riot Police to come train with the community programme Dojo one evening that he runs. Matsura has been one of the friendliest guys at the Kidotai to us so far, going out of his way to look out for us and smash us extra hard into the mats so we thought it would be good to come along one evening to pay our regards.
So on Tuesday morning at training we told him we would be training with the Dojo that evening, he said thats fine but that he would not be in attendance that evening due to other commitments. No problem we rekoned, everyone over here has been nothing but welcoming to us so far so this will be no problem. We biked to training at the community Dojo run by the Police that evening which is in the same compound as the riot police. The quest took about 1 hour by bike in the rain, so needless to say by the time we finally arrived with burning thighs, we were really hungry to get fighting. One problem. The club is run primarily for Junior High School & Elementary School Students and the Sensei was a real old school Gaijin hater (Gaijin means foreigner). We decided to try and make the best of the situation and at least get warm while we were there, so we went and bowed to the Sensei, who ignored us until training and then told us that we better not injure anybody or else!
The boys both looked at me a bit nervously at this point and hastily warned me not to use any flying/rolling armbars on the kids, haha yeah right. The training wasnt actually so bad once we got into it, we all got a few decent fights with the cops that took the class but nothing too tough. We behaved like true Judoka Gentlemen so were feeling quite chuffed with ourselves as we got changed after class, out of the corner of his eye Tim noticed one of the Judoka from the club rubbing his ribs while talking to Gaijin Hating Sensei and gesturing towards Lee. We decided this would be a timely moment in which to take our leave and so the 3 musketeers rode off into the rain. Not to be seen again at this Dojo.
Yesterday, on Wednesday when riding our bikes home from training with the Kidotai for our between training naps/snacks/cry in the corner, out of the blue an undercover cop jumped out from behind a train station pulling Tim over. This guy was part of the super secret elite undercover stolen bike detection squad so he wished to check Tim's bikes rego. We all suddenly got really nervous because all of our bikes were found abandoned around Kyoto so any of them could have been reported as stolen a long time ago before being abanndoned by the thief in the junkyard that we found them.
Lee did not seem to see the police badge, and suggested that we all gun it as fast as we can back home. Before this idea could come to frutition the officer was allready on the radio checking the rego number. We decided to sweet talk the officer, saying we did Judo with the riot cops who are way tougher than him and theyr our mates etc. He then decided they had no data on the bike and we were free to go. Props to Tim for keeping a cool head while Lee & I suggested alternatives that would of not worked out so well.
Phew...that could of gone bad.
Today I recieved a package from home, from my much loved aunty Trish (thanks your the best) containing essentails like Cadbury chocolate, Top shelf cofee, Soup & Pinaple Lumps. In the bottom of the parcel was a lovelly note from Trish saying keep up the good work etc, but there was one offending clause in the letter which the guys noted immediatly "I sure hope you and the guys all enjoy this" they then decided this obviously meant that this is a communal care package for the shared welfare of all in Shimei Hall. Sorry guys, not a chance.
Olympian Bill Vincent from New Zealand came around to visit today, which was good - he was totally blown away by our huge place & how great a facility it was. Bill said he would show us the way to Ritsumeikan University & sit in on our training that night there. So off we went to training with 3 on bikes and one running on foot (Tim on way there, yours truly on the way back) The Judo players at Ritsumeikan are some of the nicest Judo players we have met so far, joking around with us from the start. Of course they had to be the toughest we have met so far aswell, taking us all to bits during the randori's (sparring), their grip strength is alot better than ours and they have really good technique. After being smashed about 5 times in a row I decided I would try and out muscle them as being a Kiwi lad familiar with the gym I can do. Wrong. These guys are also twice as strong as us. Luckily there is a really well equiped gym attached to the Dojo which we have the run of now - so we can get some good weight training done now and deliver some real power.
Ritsumeikan are currently Number 1 Uni Judo squad in Kyoto having bet the prior title holders in the city: Sangyo University in the most recent competition, ranking now 3rd in the whole Kansai region (Kansai being South-West Japan)

It was a good experience; as I was training at Kyoto University recently and getting alot of the guys (including with a few 'Robert Levy' rolling chokes) that used to throw/submit me all over the place showed me how far I have come so far. Tonight at Ritsumeikan showed me how far I still have to go. Which is allways a good wake up call.
After training we went to dinner at a Chinese Restaurant with Bill who gave us all some good pointers on our Judo & discussed Judo NZ in general aswell as his experience as a Judo player. Bill competed in 2 Olympics & qualified for 3 (not doing one due to the Moscow boycott) so he knows what hes talking about and has been where we are right now himself so it pays to listen to this guy.
It has come to light that I sleep shout so I may soon be forced to start taping my mouth shut at night, as this scares Lee who thinks the place is haunted.
Plan for the near future is build up towards our competition training mornings at the Riot Police, Ritsumeikan at night and hitting the weights when we have the time.
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