Havn't done an update in a good halth month as Iv been off the radar.
I went to a training Camp with the guys from Ritsumeikan Uni Judo team on Kyushu Island in the Kagoshima prefecture, at Kanoya University - which is incidentaly the National University for sport and Fitness.
So needless to say they have awesome facilities and take Judo
very seriously.
Overall I would say the camp was like being a Spartan for a week, we lived in a guest dorm building for visiting athlete teams, in tatami bunk rooms.
The average day would follow this formulae;
#Wake up 0600- Go for run
#0700 - Eat Breakfast together in the cafeteria (Usually a bowl of rice, a salad, and a suprise)
#0730 - Rush back to the Dorms: spend the next hour chugging down water, taping fingers, organising your gear, quick nap
#0830 - Leave for Judo: We walk to the Judo Dojo on Campuss which is a huge building surrounded by a boat easily 5 stories in height, designed to look like an imposing Samurai Castle. Once there, change into Judo Gi in our own Dojo set aside for us to warm up in each day (Huge area)
#0900 - Begin first training: First we do 5 minutes jog around the mat (which is 4 Competition Mats, in Olympic colours - Blue and Yellow) Then go through the warmups; generally being basic stretches, some situps and dips.
Now the training begins in earnest, we pair off and do Uchikomi Drills (Perfmorming a technique to the point of throwing over and over again) we would literally go through 100's of these. It's excellent. Now ...lets all throw each other as many times as possible in 10 minutes in sets of 10 each - By the way no Minor techniques today only big painfull throws (ouch).
----2 minutes break to cover up any new cuts, and skull some water ( remember its 39 degrees here)----
No messing around, straight into Randori (sparring) now, Standup only. Either 20 Rounds in which everyone has to work their ass off with no rest. Or, divide in 3 groups, 2 groups allways on and 1 off so we go through 30 but do 20 having 1 off every 3. This is better for techinique wheras 20 in a row is good for being a hardass and becoming a beast.
A while later its over, finally.
Not actually, now power uchikomi in groups of 3 - try your hardest to throw someone while someone else stands behind them trying to keep them up. 8 sets of 10 each generally.
Now into pairs, more Uchikomi - this time speed Uchikomi - Major Throws only. Do as many as you can with all your power and speed in 30 seconds, 2 seconds break to change grip then again, and again. 2 groups of 6 sets each. This one is awesome.
Now we go through a circuit, 2 times each. Including things like dips, clapping pushups, situps, chinups on gis, jumping, squats and a whole range of other body killers.
Sometimes to be cruel we just do 120 Dip Pushups ( no shit i counted) 150 situps, then squat jumps accross the whole dojo and back twice - I couldnt walk up or down stairs without SERIOUS pain for days, it still hurts)
Now lets go to the ropes and climb to the top and back down twice each
Ok good work everyone - Bow off. Class over
Is now about 1200 so we all get changed.
#1200 - Waddle over to the Cafeteria and have lunch together, identical to breakfast really maybe a small change in one dish.
#1230 - Get home, Put Judogi in washing machine, organise general laundry, have a protein shake, drink no less than 2 litres of Water, Jump into bed and sleep a bit - next training is at 4 so I can have about 2 hours comfortable real sleep. I set an alarm for each hour though and drink a bit of water though.
#1530 - Head over to training number 2 - We all grab a fresh gi, retape about mangled fingers and torn muscles etc and head over, this time at a slower pace so we leave a bit earlier than in the morning haha.
This training is 100% Newaza (Groundfighting Orientated) the guys here are known around the way for being exceptional groundfighters, verrry technical and well drilled. Warmups are the usual - Dips, situps etc. Then lay on our stomachs and drag ourselves using our arms accross the mats, then go backwards on your back using your feet, then sideways bouncing like a salmon ( I hate this the most ) the Eby movement and a range of others.
Now we do Newaza Drills - Your partner (Uke) starts with a looping hold on your arm and you on your side- he tries to pin you, strangle you or armbar you, and you try to escape and defend. He has about 30 seconds. We do this about 10 times with different partners each time. Once I got lucky an reversed the guy into a pin from a defending, which was a cocky move. I was feeling cool until I got owned by him in 10 seconds next time haha.
----2 minutes break for water and tissues to wipe away tears---
Back on the mat, now 30 minutes of Randori Newaza; It goes until someone submits, then you change partners immediatly. At first each fight lasted 1 or 2 minutes at most for me before i tapped, towards the end of the camp I adjusted my style and wised up a bit - on the last training I had one fight go for 30 minutes with no clear winner - we just kept going back and fowards. Countering and reversing each others positions.
-----2 Minutes break------
another 30 Minutes or maybe 1 hour of Newaza Randori, same style.
Afterwhich we go through more drills, and the Sensei or guest will show us something - main focuss of the camp was Shimei Waza (Strangles and chokes) Usually in the bridge between in standing and ground (for example opponent fails a throw and is on his stomach - now strangle him) Simple in theory and well drilled in NZ - but I really learn alot of new things and ways to go about it.
#1900 - Finished training - Now go to dinner together, we eat dinner and watch Baseball usually, then we head to home and organise laundry - organise for the next day and drink alot of water. Generally I'm in bed at 2130 but dont sleep til 2300 as some people like to play around and bully the Kohai (juniors) for a few hours. Understandable.
--End of day ---- Repeat X6
We got the Camp by Ferry from Osaka Port (Ichiban Yasui - Cheapest way) Ferry took 17 hours but has a games room, beds and restaurant so wasnt all bad. One way the guys entertain themselves is bullying the Kohai, whats accepted as normal here would result in legal actions in NZ.
Its Ok to punch your Junior in the face, Kick him in the Head, Slap him, nipple gripple and twist(This seemed to be popular) get him to make your bed, carry your heavy judo bags to training and back after, walk 3 KM at 2300 to the nearest Shop to pick up some groceries for you, Put deep heat/tiger balm on him in painfull areas, have him wash your back in the Public Baths (no joke) and a whole range of other things.
As I'm here to learn the best of japanese Judo and bring it to NZ, I hope to bring the best of this - aside from obvious parts back to NZ.
So coming soon - Diary Entry #32: A day in the life of a Japanese Judo Kohai.