It's looking like this week is going to be a boring one, I went to the Police Judo in the morning and we were informed that they are taking a week off because they had a big competition on the weekend just gone, this unfortunately coincides with the Ritsumeikan Judo team taking a week or so off for the same reason + exams.
So what are we going to do this week? Well, Lee & I are hitting the gym each day to put a bit more power on still, Tim is making a good effort running each day. Alot of house work is suddenly being done (including laundry). This Saturday we are working for Aoki San selling noodles for this festival, which will be really weird - all the Japanese people are going to be so suprised seeing a little stall with 3 white men selling noodles. Should be cool.
I have set myself this challenge this week of living on 1000 Yen a day, 2 days in its going good but I'm missing my iced coffee & penguin. The 1000 Yen challenge works out to be roughly 12 dollars in NZ D's so thats for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Robert Levy from the AK/Uni Club was kind enough to go out of his way recently to send me some circuits to use closer to competitions, to help physically peak - aswell as giving me some good advise regarding all things Judo. Cheers Rob.
Also this Saturdau Eji from Western Judo Academy is visiting us in Kyoto for one day only, Lee is planning a Man-Date for all of us to go see some Monkeys, as all guys love monkeys.
Both the other boys have popped their tyres recently which is funny, my bike is this pink thing that cranks, chings and changs as I ride it barely holding together but it seems to be outlasting the other guys flashier new bikes enduro wise. I have some modifications planned for Pinkie, including a low-rider seat, a new paint job , custom mirrors and high rider - monkey bar handle bars. All courtesy of people who leave their bikes lying around the street in Kyoto. Much appreciated.
We are still able to get a few Judo trainings in this week at Enshin Dojo which is a small local Dojo, shaped like a bus; long and narrow. It has the imprints of human bodies in the wood paneling from Judoka being expertly tossed into the wall by their betters.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sorry to all for being slow to update over the last week, have been busy and also not a whole lot of interesting things have happened around here out of the usual routine.
The weeks highlights being:
*Accidently running over a snake on my way to Judo along the side of the river, I wasnt paying attention and only noticed it when it hissed and lunged at me from under my bike. For the record it was not toxic and the snake was unharmed in the making on this ancidote.
*Us all turning up to Rits for training on Monday, without being aware it was a rest day for them, Lee and I noticed no one was there but Tim had allready gotten changed into his Gi and came marching out ready for Judo. Was funnier as a whole lot of people laughed and advised him no judo today.
*Tim crashing his bike at an intersection with a young school kid, Tim falling to the ground in a heap with his bike in slow motion. Both parties where uninjured.
*Lee is currently working doing filing work for Aoki San
*I have a bad cold/flu today, not sure how I managed to get one in super hott kyoto..
*The Ritsumeikan Judo team leave for Tokyo on Friday for the All Japan Teams, I hope they go well and they probably will.
My body is still holding up surprisingly well, its very sore and tender but it still works the way its supposed to so no complaints there.
I'm happy I'm here and not in NZ, since the weather there is supposedly super cold right now, if I'm lucky I'm going to entirely skip winter this year.
I found a new cheap local eatery where you buy a ticket from a vending machine which you then give to the staff who will then make the corresponding dish/dishes. Its cheap-as and fulling. I got myself a large curry, Bowl of rice and egg, Miso Soup, Chicken cutlets, small pudding and a bit of fish for around 900 Yen (10 Dollars NZ) Great deal, would trade again.
My mate Richie has just started Judo at the AK/Uni club back home aswell, he seems to be enjoying it so far - so if you see him on the mat please go out of your way to smash him extra hard :) He's my second mate to have started Judo recently, with Tom having started about 2 months ago, Richies number 1 goal right now being to beat Tom.
He's off to buy his first crisp whitebelt from AMAS (Auckland Martial Art Supplies) who are famed for their extra-ordinary customer service.
Hugo Dewar from Wellington Judo has been awarded an A Level Judo Scholarship by Sensei Rick Littlewoord & The Auckland University Judo Club for $6,000 NZD's to live and train with us here in Kyoto (Same deal as Lee & I's). He should be arriving sometime in the next 2 weeks so if you see him around please congratulate him with a friendly ( or not so friendly) choke, strangle, arm-bar or throw.
The weeks highlights being:
*Accidently running over a snake on my way to Judo along the side of the river, I wasnt paying attention and only noticed it when it hissed and lunged at me from under my bike. For the record it was not toxic and the snake was unharmed in the making on this ancidote.
*Us all turning up to Rits for training on Monday, without being aware it was a rest day for them, Lee and I noticed no one was there but Tim had allready gotten changed into his Gi and came marching out ready for Judo. Was funnier as a whole lot of people laughed and advised him no judo today.
*Tim crashing his bike at an intersection with a young school kid, Tim falling to the ground in a heap with his bike in slow motion. Both parties where uninjured.
*Lee is currently working doing filing work for Aoki San
*I have a bad cold/flu today, not sure how I managed to get one in super hott kyoto..
*The Ritsumeikan Judo team leave for Tokyo on Friday for the All Japan Teams, I hope they go well and they probably will.
My body is still holding up surprisingly well, its very sore and tender but it still works the way its supposed to so no complaints there.
I'm happy I'm here and not in NZ, since the weather there is supposedly super cold right now, if I'm lucky I'm going to entirely skip winter this year.
I found a new cheap local eatery where you buy a ticket from a vending machine which you then give to the staff who will then make the corresponding dish/dishes. Its cheap-as and fulling. I got myself a large curry, Bowl of rice and egg, Miso Soup, Chicken cutlets, small pudding and a bit of fish for around 900 Yen (10 Dollars NZ) Great deal, would trade again.
My mate Richie has just started Judo at the AK/Uni club back home aswell, he seems to be enjoying it so far - so if you see him on the mat please go out of your way to smash him extra hard :) He's my second mate to have started Judo recently, with Tom having started about 2 months ago, Richies number 1 goal right now being to beat Tom.
He's off to buy his first crisp whitebelt from AMAS (Auckland Martial Art Supplies) who are famed for their extra-ordinary customer service.
Hugo Dewar from Wellington Judo has been awarded an A Level Judo Scholarship by Sensei Rick Littlewoord & The Auckland University Judo Club for $6,000 NZD's to live and train with us here in Kyoto (Same deal as Lee & I's). He should be arriving sometime in the next 2 weeks so if you see him around please congratulate him with a friendly ( or not so friendly) choke, strangle, arm-bar or throw.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Coming this week:
I decided on the weekend to draw myself up a training timetable this week coming so I can keep a better record of what I'm doing over a week.
It goes basicly like this :
Monday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Tuesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Enshin Dojo Judo
Wednesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Thursday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Rest. Night - Ritsumeikan Judo
Friday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening Ritsumeikan Judo.
Saturday: Morning - Kyoto University Judo (Newaza Day)
Sunday: Morning, Evening, Night - Zzzzzzz ZZZzzzzz ZZzzzzz
Really pushing the training this week as next week the Universitys go on study break from Judo after the All Japan University Competition, we can make up for this by doing another Police Judo in the Afternoons which is Newaza (Ground Fighting) Intensive so that will be good in its own way.
So thats my plan for the week, by Sunday I'm going to be a broken shell of a man again but its pretty rewarding getting through a training week and going back the next week for another dosage of it.
It goes basicly like this :
Monday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Tuesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Enshin Dojo Judo
Wednesday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Ritsumeikan Judo. Night - Gym Workout
Thursday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening - Rest. Night - Ritsumeikan Judo
Friday: Morning - Police Judo. Evening Ritsumeikan Judo.
Saturday: Morning - Kyoto University Judo (Newaza Day)
Sunday: Morning, Evening, Night - Zzzzzzz ZZZzzzzz ZZzzzzz
Really pushing the training this week as next week the Universitys go on study break from Judo after the All Japan University Competition, we can make up for this by doing another Police Judo in the Afternoons which is Newaza (Ground Fighting) Intensive so that will be good in its own way.
So thats my plan for the week, by Sunday I'm going to be a broken shell of a man again but its pretty rewarding getting through a training week and going back the next week for another dosage of it.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
How to efficiently cut weight in 2 days!

(The Riot Police Judo Dojo & Training Facility)
The occupants of Kiwi House are currently being ravaged by some sort of stomach bug. Fortunately for me I suffered it over the weekend when there was no Judo so was back on my feet to kick off on Monday morning back into the routine.
After being sick for a couple of days I felt as weak as a newborn baby at training, which figures as when I weighed myself after training I was at an all time low of 74.2 Kilograms, down from my usual 77-79 bracket.
Feeling alot better now and putting my weight back on which is good, Lee seems to have had the worst of it and is still recovering from his bout of illness.
Not sure if it was food poisoning or a belly bug, Lee & I have been cooking chicken recently and its rather possible our hunger got in the way of it being cooked as thoroughly as it should have.
Tim has dodged a bullet having opted to place his trust in cold bento boxes when it comes to dinner and not with somanela infested chicken.

(View from the roof of our place)
I have recieved my first Judo Scholarship payment which is good news, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rick Littlewood, Dave Mair , The Auckland University Judo Club and everybody else who has helped me out. I'm doing my best to make sure I'm worth every penny. Without this, I would still be at home in NZ, training just 4/5 times a week. It just dosnt compare. Thanks again.
Of late I have been thinking about what I'm going to do when I get back, I think this trip is going to help me build alot of momentum with Judo and if I slow down when I get back and launch into a career etc I could easily lose that snowballing momentum I have going for me right now, which is what I want to avoid. We will see what happens . One thing I really want to get involved with is promoting Judo & getting more people into it in NZ, I'm thinking about developing a Judo Programme with my old High School via the Uni Judo Club which could do with a healthy injection of Cadets at the same time. Food for thought anyway.
Training is going great, things are clicking, things are working, and I'm learning and adapting all the time and my conditioning & power is currently the best its been in my whole life X100. Its a great feeling, of course there are days when NOTHING works and you get smashed but its just perseverence. Everyone has a bad day at the office.

(Haha, thats one way to get around.)
We have all been avidly watching the Football World Cup over the last few days, right now the All Whites are playing. Bad news is that the ONLY GAME that the Japanese broadcasters decided not to play on T.V is this one. I would venture to suggest it is because Japan is in victory mode having won their first game last night and thus are playing replay clips of their win as opposed to the All Whites WorldCup debut.
Sorry guys, we tried.
All for now,
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Lazy Sunday
And so another week has rather eventfully passed by in the blink of an eye.
This week just past was perhaps one of my favourite weeks here in Japan so far, my body dosnt hurt as much as usual, I dont get half as gassed(modernisation of 'puffed out/knackered') from Judo as I did earlier, all in all I think my body has finally caught up with my sure took a while doing so though.
You know how you allways here commentators in the Olympics, title boxing matches, kickboxing fights and so forth comment on the heart of the fighter/athlete and how important it is, that something I never really paid much attention too, thinking it all came down to just physical conditioning & skill base. Not true.
Over here I often find myself with literally nothing left, my throat burns, my arms are burning full of lactic acid, I cant replace my air fast enough and theres still 8 minutes on the clock and another 5 Randori's (sparring sessions) to go. Its a hell of mental battle.
In short I now know that having heart & being mentally as tough as steel is not just important, its crucial. Theres allways that point in a fight at a competition, when yourv allready gone through 5 fights to get there and you have nothing. I think the best feeling in judo is when I get to that point and emerge on top.
Saturday morning at Rits is a Newaza(ground fighting, you should all know this by now...) day, I look forward to it all week because we don't actually get so much Newaza in over here - the focuss is generally 70-80 % Tachiwaza (standing fighting) due to IJF Olympic rules making it much easier to win up top than down on the ground.
Rules or not, I love Newaza as much as Tachiwaza and manage to more than hold my own here most of the time on the ground due to AK/UNI Judo having a more 50/50 approach to Judo plus the Sensei's (sensei being ultimate coach/teacher) being Newaza experts.
I remember Rick Sensei telling me about when he first came back from Japan to NZ to fight in the nationals and won with obscure submissions that at the time had never been seen in NZ before (Sankaku - for all you BJJ/MMA players its 'Triangle') and he actually had to show the judges that the move existed legally via a Judo book he brought with him from Japan. Times sure have changed.
After training yesterday we went for the Saturday run with the Rits Judo boys, 10 K's up steep winding mountain paths in 34 Degree heat after already doing Judo is bloody tough. But I felt really good and limber after it. We all must of lost about a kg or 2 in fluids during that mountain assault. The boys & girls at Rits are preparing for the 'All - Japan Uni Judo Champs' which is just over a month away in Tokyo, us guys really want to go watch it live, but it probably costs a fair ammount to get there and lodge etc so we will probably be cheering the squad on as we watch it live on TV at home in Kyoto. I'm not sure how theyr going to do, the girls probably stand a good chance of placing but I feel the guys are going to do their best with the emphasis being on developing more competition experience. With all the world famous top Judo Uni's competing like Tokai & Tskuuba home of Olympic champions, National Champs etc its going to be a tough battle. Every dog has its day.
A few friends have been emailing "Jordan, write about more than just doing the Judo!!" sorry to disapoint but thats actually allmost all I do here. Judo, Judo, Judo, Gym, Run, Bike ride, Sleep" My one sin/vice here being in love with iced coffee...I'm not sure how im going to cope when I eventually get back home without it.
Update on Kiwis in Japan; Word is that a couple of extra Kiwi Judokas are in the process of getting ready to come here to train and live with us. Looking forward to them getting here, including our mate Hugo from Wellington Judo. We will know more about who, when and so forth in the coming weeks so watch this space. We will have to create some elaborate hazing ceremony for NZ Judoka living in the house. Sign your life away on the dotted line.
The NZ National training camp was on the weekend just past, being here I'm a bit gutted I didnt have the chance to compete in NZ so far this year and attend the camp and hope to catch the eyes on the NZ Team selectors as is the purpose of the camp, will probably have to wait until next year for that opportunity.
Take care
P.S - If someone could give me an update of how the competition & Camp went I would be interested to hear, also any news in general in NZJUDO is appreciated.
This week just past was perhaps one of my favourite weeks here in Japan so far, my body dosnt hurt as much as usual, I dont get half as gassed(modernisation of 'puffed out/knackered') from Judo as I did earlier, all in all I think my body has finally caught up with my sure took a while doing so though.
You know how you allways here commentators in the Olympics, title boxing matches, kickboxing fights and so forth comment on the heart of the fighter/athlete and how important it is, that something I never really paid much attention too, thinking it all came down to just physical conditioning & skill base. Not true.
Over here I often find myself with literally nothing left, my throat burns, my arms are burning full of lactic acid, I cant replace my air fast enough and theres still 8 minutes on the clock and another 5 Randori's (sparring sessions) to go. Its a hell of mental battle.
In short I now know that having heart & being mentally as tough as steel is not just important, its crucial. Theres allways that point in a fight at a competition, when yourv allready gone through 5 fights to get there and you have nothing. I think the best feeling in judo is when I get to that point and emerge on top.
Saturday morning at Rits is a Newaza(ground fighting, you should all know this by now...) day, I look forward to it all week because we don't actually get so much Newaza in over here - the focuss is generally 70-80 % Tachiwaza (standing fighting) due to IJF Olympic rules making it much easier to win up top than down on the ground.
Rules or not, I love Newaza as much as Tachiwaza and manage to more than hold my own here most of the time on the ground due to AK/UNI Judo having a more 50/50 approach to Judo plus the Sensei's (sensei being ultimate coach/teacher) being Newaza experts.
I remember Rick Sensei telling me about when he first came back from Japan to NZ to fight in the nationals and won with obscure submissions that at the time had never been seen in NZ before (Sankaku - for all you BJJ/MMA players its 'Triangle') and he actually had to show the judges that the move existed legally via a Judo book he brought with him from Japan. Times sure have changed.
After training yesterday we went for the Saturday run with the Rits Judo boys, 10 K's up steep winding mountain paths in 34 Degree heat after already doing Judo is bloody tough. But I felt really good and limber after it. We all must of lost about a kg or 2 in fluids during that mountain assault. The boys & girls at Rits are preparing for the 'All - Japan Uni Judo Champs' which is just over a month away in Tokyo, us guys really want to go watch it live, but it probably costs a fair ammount to get there and lodge etc so we will probably be cheering the squad on as we watch it live on TV at home in Kyoto. I'm not sure how theyr going to do, the girls probably stand a good chance of placing but I feel the guys are going to do their best with the emphasis being on developing more competition experience. With all the world famous top Judo Uni's competing like Tokai & Tskuuba home of Olympic champions, National Champs etc its going to be a tough battle. Every dog has its day.
A few friends have been emailing "Jordan, write about more than just doing the Judo!!" sorry to disapoint but thats actually allmost all I do here. Judo, Judo, Judo, Gym, Run, Bike ride, Sleep" My one sin/vice here being in love with iced coffee...I'm not sure how im going to cope when I eventually get back home without it.
Update on Kiwis in Japan; Word is that a couple of extra Kiwi Judokas are in the process of getting ready to come here to train and live with us. Looking forward to them getting here, including our mate Hugo from Wellington Judo. We will know more about who, when and so forth in the coming weeks so watch this space. We will have to create some elaborate hazing ceremony for NZ Judoka living in the house. Sign your life away on the dotted line.
The NZ National training camp was on the weekend just past, being here I'm a bit gutted I didnt have the chance to compete in NZ so far this year and attend the camp and hope to catch the eyes on the NZ Team selectors as is the purpose of the camp, will probably have to wait until next year for that opportunity.
Take care
P.S - If someone could give me an update of how the competition & Camp went I would be interested to hear, also any news in general in NZJUDO is appreciated.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
While I have lost exact track of time I have been here I think this is my 7th week training here. I'm pretty happy with how its all holding up - we are all training twice per day 6 days a week putting everything we have into it.
This trip is a really big deal for all of us, as we have put our whole lives on hold back in NZ for us to have this opportunity to do Judo at this level hopefully giving us the skills we need to chase our dreams in Judo further.
Personally I planned to go to University this year if I hadnt came here to train, while I feel its important to study & prepare for my future I love doing Judo just too much to pass on this opportunity to pursue Judo like this. I dont regret it.
Its definatly a different way to experience Japan, most people we meet spend everyday sight seeing, enjoying fine food and so forth. By contrast we spend our days either doing Judo or commuting between Judo trainings. Most of the people we meet think we are slightly crazy, and...maybe we are.
Example, today I feel like I have been hit by a train, then had it reverse back over me to finish the job, but yesterday I threw someone with Uchi-mata something I have never done even back in NZ so I think its worth it.
There is one Judoka freshman at Ritsumeikan Uni Judo that was on the Japanese Cadet team when he was younger having achieved 4th in Japan at a competition. His Judo is insanely good, as soon as I get a grip he peels it off just by moving his body backwards (his Gi is like sandpaper) and once he has taken a hold of my sleeve its like its locked in a vicegrip. I'm trying to work out exactly what it is that he does so I can attempt to emulate it.
This Sunday we are thinking about going up the river as there is said to be a spot known to be good for swimming, so if the weather decides to behave it should be good.
This trip is a really big deal for all of us, as we have put our whole lives on hold back in NZ for us to have this opportunity to do Judo at this level hopefully giving us the skills we need to chase our dreams in Judo further.
Personally I planned to go to University this year if I hadnt came here to train, while I feel its important to study & prepare for my future I love doing Judo just too much to pass on this opportunity to pursue Judo like this. I dont regret it.
Its definatly a different way to experience Japan, most people we meet spend everyday sight seeing, enjoying fine food and so forth. By contrast we spend our days either doing Judo or commuting between Judo trainings. Most of the people we meet think we are slightly crazy, and...maybe we are.
Example, today I feel like I have been hit by a train, then had it reverse back over me to finish the job, but yesterday I threw someone with Uchi-mata something I have never done even back in NZ so I think its worth it.
There is one Judoka freshman at Ritsumeikan Uni Judo that was on the Japanese Cadet team when he was younger having achieved 4th in Japan at a competition. His Judo is insanely good, as soon as I get a grip he peels it off just by moving his body backwards (his Gi is like sandpaper) and once he has taken a hold of my sleeve its like its locked in a vicegrip. I'm trying to work out exactly what it is that he does so I can attempt to emulate it.
This Sunday we are thinking about going up the river as there is said to be a spot known to be good for swimming, so if the weather decides to behave it should be good.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Martial Arts Marketing 101

Considering giving up Judo for the more financialy lucrative Ninja...
Plus the uniform looks so much cooler, I'm sure they will let me put patches all over it, wear it in any colour/combination of colours. Relaxed Gi requirments = more customers oops I mean practicioners. Or so I was told by an 11th Dan Ninjitsu/Brazilian JJ/Karate Grand master.

So, I like Adidas just a little bit. Thanks Adidas. Buy Adidas.

As I was sharply (and rightly so) berated by my dearest Mother over Skype for not elevating her to celebraty status via my blog for her heroic accomplishment of sending me a fully equiped care package last week...its actually an awesome package, helps me cling onto the last vestige of my sanity just that little bit longer.
Thanks Mum :)
love you
All for now... some interesting things in the pipeline this week so should have an interesting blabber later this week.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Videos : Koga & Judo in MMA
This vid is of Koga, who recently visited Rits Judo just before we started training there: He has an Olympic Gold from Barcelon & Silver from Atlanta to his name, plus 3 World Championship Golds. He is best known for his Seoi-Nage (shoulder throw) as you can see him destroying his opponents with in the video.
This Video features Shinya Aoki, this guy is one of my favourite Judo fighters in MMA. Period.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Wall
The week is nearly over allready but it still feels like its Monday, sometimes the days here just blur into each other.
Lately things have been pretty good, after our hazing period of a couple of weeks the Kidotai/Riot Police Judo team have accepted us into their ranks and are suddenly really friendly and helping us out a bit with our Judo. This coincides nicely with me figuring a few things out and starting to play alot better all of a sudden.
Today the Kyoto Riot Police Judo team had a team fight against a Riot Squad from a neighbouring prefecture, each team putting forth 1 fighter for each weight category starting at -66 and going to +100's. We were able to watch from our teams side which was cool, the fights were really good to watch, these guys all have pace and go at it with 100% for the whole fight. There werent many big ippon throws, our side won over all, mostly through Hold downs, Small points and penalties to the opposition. While it wasnt dramaticly exiting it was still good to watch especially their grip fighting & posturing for a dominant position. Our side didnt actually put forth their strongest team as alot of the toughest guys are injured or preparing for a big competition.
After the competition we did just 6 rounds of randori(sparring) because the guys were probably a bit knackered from the competition. The K1 Muscle man has returned recently (I think he trains out of a neighbouring prefecture riot squad that comes over regularily for training camps) In the last couple of weeks he has improved heaps, he fights like a mad man and uses all these throws and pick ups that look like something in pro wrestling. He actually tried to Toombstone me.
Yesterday after training in the morning (16 rounds of randori) which were really grueling and ego destroying. I probably only got one or two throws in the whole time, the other guys were feeling much the same. We more or less felt like we had hit a wall with our training and stagnating, just going in and getting smashed and being helpless like a beginner. I think it was more an issue of over training or just not enough recovery time since we have been arriving at training feeling like we allready have trained and allways running on empty.
So after training we went to lunch at a neighbouring Universitys cafeteria with Bill Vincent who had came along & a couple of guys from the Kidotai, one of whom took some time a year or so ago to teach Judo in Australia for a few weeks. While he wasnt overly impressed with Australian Judo he felt that the Australian women more than made up for this. Yoskie, one of the riot cops that came along used to attend the University and train Judo there, so he called one of his Kohai (Judo Junior/Slave) from the university and got him to meet him to give him his cafeteria discount card, I cant wait to get some Kohai to run around for me...I'll have to train my brother cameron to behave in this manner upon my return. Everytime he refuses and order I'll choke him out and he will revive to see me waiting there patiently for my task to be carried out. Bill picked up the bill for lunch which was really good of him and much appreciated.
After lunch we felt really burnt out still from training so decided to take the afternoon off to recover a bit, I hate not going to a training but we were all on less than empty energy wise so it was the smart thing to do. Seeing how I trained really well this morning and felt more powerfull than I have in weeks it was definatly the best choice.
Tonight after training I think we are going to dinner with Kasuga Sensei and the Rits Judo team. Recently Rits High School has been training with us as a training camp for them so the dinner may be something to do with them surviving it.
Getting Lee to upload his Digital Camera pictures soon so will post them all.
Lately things have been pretty good, after our hazing period of a couple of weeks the Kidotai/Riot Police Judo team have accepted us into their ranks and are suddenly really friendly and helping us out a bit with our Judo. This coincides nicely with me figuring a few things out and starting to play alot better all of a sudden.
Today the Kyoto Riot Police Judo team had a team fight against a Riot Squad from a neighbouring prefecture, each team putting forth 1 fighter for each weight category starting at -66 and going to +100's. We were able to watch from our teams side which was cool, the fights were really good to watch, these guys all have pace and go at it with 100% for the whole fight. There werent many big ippon throws, our side won over all, mostly through Hold downs, Small points and penalties to the opposition. While it wasnt dramaticly exiting it was still good to watch especially their grip fighting & posturing for a dominant position. Our side didnt actually put forth their strongest team as alot of the toughest guys are injured or preparing for a big competition.
After the competition we did just 6 rounds of randori(sparring) because the guys were probably a bit knackered from the competition. The K1 Muscle man has returned recently (I think he trains out of a neighbouring prefecture riot squad that comes over regularily for training camps) In the last couple of weeks he has improved heaps, he fights like a mad man and uses all these throws and pick ups that look like something in pro wrestling. He actually tried to Toombstone me.
Yesterday after training in the morning (16 rounds of randori) which were really grueling and ego destroying. I probably only got one or two throws in the whole time, the other guys were feeling much the same. We more or less felt like we had hit a wall with our training and stagnating, just going in and getting smashed and being helpless like a beginner. I think it was more an issue of over training or just not enough recovery time since we have been arriving at training feeling like we allready have trained and allways running on empty.
So after training we went to lunch at a neighbouring Universitys cafeteria with Bill Vincent who had came along & a couple of guys from the Kidotai, one of whom took some time a year or so ago to teach Judo in Australia for a few weeks. While he wasnt overly impressed with Australian Judo he felt that the Australian women more than made up for this. Yoskie, one of the riot cops that came along used to attend the University and train Judo there, so he called one of his Kohai (Judo Junior/Slave) from the university and got him to meet him to give him his cafeteria discount card, I cant wait to get some Kohai to run around for me...I'll have to train my brother cameron to behave in this manner upon my return. Everytime he refuses and order I'll choke him out and he will revive to see me waiting there patiently for my task to be carried out. Bill picked up the bill for lunch which was really good of him and much appreciated.
After lunch we felt really burnt out still from training so decided to take the afternoon off to recover a bit, I hate not going to a training but we were all on less than empty energy wise so it was the smart thing to do. Seeing how I trained really well this morning and felt more powerfull than I have in weeks it was definatly the best choice.
Tonight after training I think we are going to dinner with Kasuga Sensei and the Rits Judo team. Recently Rits High School has been training with us as a training camp for them so the dinner may be something to do with them surviving it.
Getting Lee to upload his Digital Camera pictures soon so will post them all.
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